View Source SeedFactory (SeedFactory v0.6.0)

A toolkit for test data generation.

The main idea of SeedFactory is to generate data in tests according to your application business logic (read as context functions if you use Phoenix Contexts) whenever it is possible and avoid direct inserts to the database (as opposed to ex_machina). This approach allows you to minimize testing of invalid states as you're not forced to keep complex database structure in your head in order to prepare test data. The library is completely agnostic to the database toolkit.

Context, entities and commands are the core concepts of the library.

Context is a map/0 which can be populated with entities using commands.

The schema with instructions on how commands modify context is described using DSL with the help of SeedFactory.Schema module.

Commands can be used to:

  • produce entity (put new data in the context)
  • update entity (replace the existing entity in the context)
  • delete entity (remove the entity from the context)

When a command is executed, produced entities are assigned to the context using the name of the entity as a key. A command has params with instructions on how to generate arguments for a resolver if they are not passed explicitly with exec/3 function. The instruction can be specified using one of these options:

  • :value - any term. This option is used by default with the value of nil.
  • :generate - a zero-arity function for generating data.
  • :entity - an atom which points to an entity which should be taken from the context. If a required entity cannot be found in a context, then SeedFactory automatically executes a corresponding command which produces the entity.

Entities can have traits. Think about them as labels which are assigned to produced/updated entities when specific commands with specific arguments are executed.

Let's take a look at an example of a simple schema.

defmodule MyApp.SeedFactorySchema do
  use SeedFactory.Schema

  command :create_company do
    param :name, generate: &

    resolve(fn args ->
      with {:ok, company} <- MyApp.Companies.create_company(args) do
        {:ok, %{company: company}}

    produce :company

  command :create_user do
    param :name, generate: &
    param :role, value: :normal
    param :company, entity: :company

    resolve(fn args -> MyApp.Users.create_user(,, args.role) end)

    produce :user
    produce :profile

  command :activate_user do
    param :user, entity: :user, with_traits: [:pending]

    resolve(fn args ->
      user = MyApp.Users.activate_user!(args.user)

      {:ok, %{user: user}}

    update :user

  trait :pending, :user do
    exec :create_user

  trait :active, :user do
    from :pending
    exec :activate_user

  trait :admin, :user do
    exec :create_user, args_pattern: %{role: :admin}

  trait :normal, :user do
    exec :create_user, args_pattern: %{role: :normal}

The schema above describes how to produce 3 entities (:company, :user and :profile) using 2 commands (:create_user and :create_company). There is a third command which only updates the :user entity. There are 4 traits defined for the :user entity.

To start using the schema, put metadata about it to the context using init/2 function:

context = %{}
context = init(context, MyApp.SeedFactorySchema)

If you use SeedFactory in tests with ExUnit, check out SeedFactory.Test. This module adds initialization using ExUnit.Callbacks.setup_all/2 callback and imports functions.

Now, exec/2 function can be used to execute a command:

context = exec(context, :create_company)

The code above will generate arguments for :create_company command, execute a resolver with generated arguments and put company to context using :company key. exec/3 can be used if you want to specify parameters explicitly:

context = exec(context, :create_company, name: "GitHub")

Because exec function returns context/0, it is convenient to chain exec calls with the pipe operator:

context =
  |> exec(:create_company)
  |> exec(:create_user, name: "John Doe")

In order to get a value for the :company parameter of the :create_user command, the corresponding entity was taken from the context. However, it is not necessary to do so, as SeedFactory can automatically execute commands which produce dependent entities. The code above has the same effect as a single call to :create_user command:

context = exec(context, :create_user, name: "John Doe")

If you're not interested in explicit providing of parameters to commands, then you can use produce/2 function to produce requested entities with automatic execution of all dependent commands:

context = produce(context, :user)

Even though :user is the only entity specified explicitly, context will have 3 new keys: :company, :user and :profile.


It is recommended to explicitly specify all entities in which you're insterested:

# good
%{user: user} = produce(contex, :user)

# good
%{user: user, profile: profile} = produce(contex, [:user, :profile])

# good
%{user: user, company: company} = produce(contex, [:user, :company])

# bad
%{user: user, profile: profile, company: company} = produce(contex, :user)

exec/3 fails if produced entities are already present in the context. It is possible to rebind entities in order to assign them to the context with different names:

context =
  |> rebind([user: :user1, profile: :profile1], &exec(&1, :create_user))
  |> rebind([user: :user2, profile: :profile2], &exec(&1, :create_user))

The snippet above puts the following keys to the context: :company, :user1, :profile1, :user2 and :profile2. The :company is shared in this case, so two users have different profiles and belong to the same company. A shorter counterpart using produce/2 is the following:

context =
  |> produce(user: :user1, profile: :profile1)
  |> produce(user: :user2, profile: :profile2)

As was pointed out previously, traits are assigned to entities when commands produce/update them. SeedFactory does this automatically by tracking commands and arguments. You can inspect __seed_factory_meta__ key in the context to review currently assigned traits:

context |> exec(:create_user) |> IO.inspect()
# %{
# __seed_factory_meta__: #SeedFactory.Meta<
#   current_traits: %{user: [:normal, :pending]},
#   ...
# >,
# ...
# }

context |> exec(:create_user, role: :admin) |> exec(:activate_user) |> IO.inspect()
# %{
# __seed_factory_meta__: #SeedFactory.Meta<
#   current_traits: %{user: [:admin, :active]},
#   ...
# >,
# ...
# }

The same result can be achieved by passing traits using produce/2:

produce(context, user: [:admin, :active])

If you want to specify traits and assign an entity to the context with the different name, then use :as option:

%{active_admin: active_admin} = produce(context, user: [:admin, :active, as: :active_admin])



Executes a command and updates the context according to the schema.

Puts metadata about schema to context, so context becomes usable by other functions from this module.

Creates dependent entities needed for command execution.

Produces dependencies needed for specified entities.

Produces entities if they don't exist in the context.

Changes default behaviour of entities assignment.


@type context() :: map()
@type entity_name() :: atom()
@type rebinding_rule() :: {entity_name(), rebind_as :: atom()}


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exec(context, command_name, initial_input \\ %{})

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@spec exec(context(), command_name :: atom(), initial_input :: map() | keyword()) ::

Executes a command and updates the context according to the schema.


iex> context = %{}
...> context = init(context, MySeedFactorySchema)
...> context = exec(context, :create_user, first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe")
...> Map.take(context.user, [:first_name, :last_name])
%{first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe"}
@spec init(context(), schema :: module()) :: context()

Puts metadata about schema to context, so context becomes usable by other functions from this module.


iex> context = %{}
...> init(context, MySeedFactorySchema)
%{__seed_factory_meta__: #SeedFactory.Meta<...>}
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pre_exec(context, command_name, initial_input \\ %{})

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@spec pre_exec(context(), command_name :: atom(), initial_input :: map() | keyword()) ::

Creates dependent entities needed for command execution.

This is useful, when you want to execute the command multiple times reusing input entities.


# Function :create_user produces multiple entities (:user and :profile), so if you want to
# produce multiple users using a sequence of `exec` calls, you have to write this:
%{user1: user1, user2: user2} =
  |> rebind([user: :user1, profile: :profile1], &exec(&1, :create_user, role: :admin))
  |> rebind([user: :user2, profile: :profile2], &exec(&1, :create_user, role: :admin))

# The code above is a bit wordy in a case when all we need are :user entities. We have to write
# rebinding for :profile even though we are't interested in it.

# A less wordy alternative is:
context = produce(context, list_of_all_dependencies_with_their_traits)
%{user: user1} = exec(context, :create_user, role: :admin)
%{user: user2} = exec(context, :create_user, role: :admin)

# However, you have to explicitly enumerate all the dependencies.
# It can be more compact with `pre_exec` function:
context = pre_exec(context, :create_user)
%{user: user1} = exec(context, :create_user, role: :admin)
%{user: user2} = exec(context, :create_user, role: :admin)
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pre_produce(context, entities_and_rebinding)

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@spec pre_produce(
  | [
      | rebinding_rule()
      | {entity_name(), [trait_name :: atom() | {:as, rebind_as :: atom()}]}
) :: context()

Produces dependencies needed for specified entities.

See pre_exec/3 for problems it solves.


# pre_produce produces a company and puts it into context,
# so produced user1 and user2 will belong to the same company
context = pre_produce(context, :user)
%{user: user1} = produce(context, :user)
%{user: user2} = produce(context, :user)
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produce(context, entities_and_rebinding)

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@spec produce(
  | [
      | rebinding_rule()
      | {entity_name(), [trait_name :: atom() | {:as, rebind_as :: atom()}]}
) :: context()

Produces entities if they don't exist in the context.

The order of specified entities doesn't matter.

It invokes a series of commands to produce entities with specified traits. If the same entity can be produced by multiple commands, then the first declared command is used by default. In order to produce the entity using the rest of the commands use traits or exec/3 explicitly.


# specify a single entity
%{user: _} = produce(context, :user)

# specify a list of entitities
%{user: _, company: _} = produce(context, [:user, :company])

# rebind :user entity as :user1
%{user1: _} = produce(context, user: :user1)

# specify traits
%{user: _} = produce(context, user: [:active, :admin])
%{user: _} = context |> produce(user: [:pending, :admin]) |> produce(user: [:active])

# specify traits and :as option
%{user1: _} = produce(context, user: [:active, :admin, as: :user1])
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rebind(context, rebinding, callback)

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@spec rebind(context(), [rebinding_rule()], (context() -> context())) :: context()

Changes default behaviour of entities assignment.

Modifies a context, so commands engage with entities in the context using provided names. If a command requires/produces/updates/deletes an entity, the provided name will be used instead of the entity name to get value from the context or modify it.

It helps to produce the same entity multiple times and assign it to the context with different names.


# Let's assume that `:product` entity requires `:company` entity.
# In this example we create 2 companies, `:product1` will be linked to `:company1`.
%{company1: _, company2: _, product1: _} =
  |> rebind([company: :company1, product: :product1], fn context ->
    |> exec(:create_company, name: "GitHub")
    |> produce(:product)
  |> rebind([company: :company2], fn context ->
    exec(context, :create_company, name: "Microsoft")