SegSeg (seg_seg v1.0.0)

Calculates the type of relationship between two line segments AB and CD and the location of intersection (if applicable).

Classification of segment-segment intersection

Link to this section Summary


Returns a tuple representing the segment-segment intersection with three elements

Link to this section Types

Link to this type


@type intersection_result() :: {boolean(), intersection_type(), point() | nil}
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@type intersection_type() :: :interior | :disjoint | :edge | :vertex
@type point() :: {number(), number()}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

intersection(a, b, c, d, options \\ [])

@spec intersection(point(), point(), point(), point(), keyword()) ::

Returns a tuple representing the segment-segment intersection with three elements:

  1. Boolean true if the two segments intersect at all, false if they are disjoint
  2. An atom representing the classification of the intersection:
  • :interior - the segments intersect at a point that is interior to both
  • :vertex - the segments intersect at an endpoint of one or both segments
  • :edge - the segments are parallel, collinear, and overlap for some non-zero length
  • :disjoint - no intersection exists between the two segments
  1. A tuple {x, y} representing the point of intersection if the intersection is classified as :interior or :vertex, otherwise nil.


Float Precision Issues

It is possible that floating point math imprecision can cause incorrect results for certain inputs. In situations where this may cause issues, an epsilon options is available. When set to true intersection comparisons are made with a very small epsilon based on the minimum of the lengths of the provided segment times a very small number (currently 0.0000000001). epsilon can also be set to a specific number that will be used as the epsilon value. This eliminates most rounding error, but of course could cause false results in certain situations. This currently only effects :vertex results but might be expanded to :edge in the future.

SegSeg.intersection({4, 3}, {4, 7}, {6.05, 9.05}, {3.95, 6.95}) #=> {true, :interior, {4.0, 6.999999999999998}}
SegSeg.intersection({4, 3}, {4, 7}, {6.05, 9.05}, {3.95, 6.95}, epsilon: true) #=> {true, :vertex, {4, 7}}



iex> SegSeg.intersection({2, -3}, {4, -1}, {2, -1}, {4, -3})
{true, :interior, {3.0, -2.0}}
iex> SegSeg.intersection({-1, 3}, {2, 4}, {-1, 4}, {-1, 5})
{false, :disjoint, nil}
iex> SegSeg.intersection({-1, 0}, {0, 2}, {0, 2}, {1, -1})
{true, :vertex, {0, 2}}
iex> SegSeg.intersection({-1, 0}, {0, 2}, {1, 4}, {-1, 0})
{true, :edge, nil}

# This doesn't behave as expected because of floating point error.
iex> SegSeg.intersection({4, 3}, {4, 7}, {6.05, 9.05}, {3.95, 6.95})
{true, :interior, {4.0, 6.999999999999998}}

# Adding the default epsilon causes this to act more as expected.
iex> SegSeg.intersection({4, 3}, {4, 7}, {6.05, 9.05}, {3.95, 6.95}, epsilon: true)
{true, :vertex, {4, 7}}

# Specifying a very small epsilon shows the floating point error again.
iex> SegSeg.intersection({4, 3}, {4, 7}, {6.05, 9.05}, {3.95, 6.95}, epsilon: 0.00000000000000000001)
{true, :interior, {4.0, 6.999999999999998}}