Segment.Http (segment v0.2.7) View Source

Segment.Http is the underlying implementation for making calls to the Segment HTTP API.

The send/2 and batch/4 methods can be used for sending events or batches of events to the API. The sending can be configured with

config :segment,
send_to_http: true
retry_attempts: 3,
retry_expiry: 10_000,
retry_start: 100
  • config :segment, :retry_attempts The number of times to retry sending against the segment API. Default value is 3
  • config :segment, :retry_expiry The maximum time (in ms) spent retrying. Default value is 10000 (10 seconds)
  • config :segment, :retry_start The time (in ms) to start the first retry. Default value is 100
  • config :segment, :send_to_http If set to false, the library will override the Tesla Adapter implementation to only log segment calls to debug but not make any actual API calls. This can be useful if you want to switch off Segment for test or dev. Default value is true

The retry uses a linear back-off strategy when retrying the Segment API.

Additionally a different Tesla Adapter can be used if you want to use something other than Hackney.

  • config :segment, :tesla, :adapter This config option allows for overriding the HTTP Adapter for Tesla (which the library defaults to Hackney).This can be useful if you prefer something else, or want to mock the adapter for testing.

Link to this section Summary


Send a list of Segment events as a batch.

Create a Tesla client with the Segment Source Write API Key

Create a Tesla client with the Segment Source Write API Key and the given Tesla adapter

Send a list of Segment events as a batch

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

batch(client, events, context \\ nil, integrations \\ nil)

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batch(client(), [Segment.segment_event()], map() | nil, map() | nil) ::
  :ok | :error

Send a list of Segment events as a batch.

The batch function takes optional arguments for context and integrations which can be applied to the entire batch of events. See Segment's docs


client(String.t()) :: client()

Create a Tesla client with the Segment Source Write API Key

Link to this function

client(api_key, adapter)

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client(String.t(), adapter()) :: client()

Create a Tesla client with the Segment Source Write API Key and the given Tesla adapter


send(client(), [Segment.segment_event()]) :: :ok | :error
send(client(), Segment.segment_event()) :: :ok | :error

Send a list of Segment events as a batch