sentry v7.2.4 Sentry.EventFilter behaviour

This module defines a Behaviour for filtering Sentry events. There is one callback to implement. The first argument will be the exception reported, and the second is the source. Events from Sentry.Plug will have :plug as a source, Sentry.Phoenix.Endpoint will have :endpoint and events from Sentry.LoggerBackend will have :logger as the source. A custom source can also be specified by passing the event_source option to Sentry.capture_exception/2.

As an example, if you wanted to exclude any ArithmeticError exceptions:

defmodule MyApp.SentryEventFilter do
  @behaviour Sentry.EventFilter

  def exclude_exception?(%ArithmeticError{}, _source), do: true
  def exclude_exception?(_exception, _source), do: false

Link to this section Summary


Callback that returns whether an exception should be excluded from being reported

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback

exclude_exception?(arg1, atom)

exclude_exception?(Exception.t(), atom()) :: boolean()

Callback that returns whether an exception should be excluded from being reported