sentry v7.2.4 Sentry.Plug

Provides basic functionality to handle Plug.ErrorHandler


Add the following to your router.ex:

use Plug.ErrorHandler
use Sentry.Plug

Note that using Sentry.Plug will override default behaviour of Plug.ErrorHandler - it will no longer write "Something went wrong" as a response. If you want to retain this behaviour, or in general to add custom logic on top of sending event to sentry, you can do it like this:

defp handle_errors(conn, %{kind: _kind, reason: _reason, stack: _stack} = error) do
  super(conn, error)
  send_resp(conn, conn.status, "Something went wrong")

Sending Post Body Params

In order to send post body parameters you should first scrub them of sensitive information. By default, they will be scrubbed with Sentry.Plug.default_body_scrubber/1. It can be overridden by passing the body_scrubber option, which accepts a Plug.Conn and returns a map to send. Setting :body_scrubber to nil will not send any data back. If you would like to make use of Sentry's default scrubber behavior in a custom scrubber, it can be called directly. An example configuration may look like the following:

def scrub_params(conn) do
  # Makes use of the default body_scrubber to avoid sending password
  # and credit card information in plain text.  To also prevent sending
  # our sensitive "my_secret_field" and "other_sensitive_data" fields,
  # we simply drop those keys.
  |> Map.drop(["my_secret_field", "other_sensitive_data"])

Then pass it into Sentry.Plug:

use Sentry.Plug, body_scrubber: &scrub_params/1

You can also pass it in as a {module, fun} like so:

use Sentry.Plug, body_scrubber: {MyModule, :scrub_params}

Please Note: If you are sending large files you will want to scrub them out.

Headers Scrubber

By default Sentry will scrub Authorization and Authentication headers from all requests before sending them. It can be configured similarly to the body params scrubber, but is configured with the :header_scrubber key.

def scrub_headers(conn) do
  # default is: Sentry.Plug.default_header_scrubber(conn)
  # We do not want to include Content-Type or User-Agent in reported
  # headers, so we drop them.
  Enum.into(conn.req_headers, %{})
  |> Map.drop(["content-type", "user-agent"])

Then pass it into Sentry.Plug:

use Sentry.Plug, header_scrubber: &scrub_headers/1

It can also be passed in as a {module, fun} like so:

use Sentry.Plug, header_scrubber: {MyModule, :scrub_headers}

By default Sentry will scrub all cookies before sending events. It can be configured similarly to the headers scrubber, but is configured with the :cookie_scrubber key.

To configure scrubbing, we can set all configuration keys:

use Sentry.Plug, header_scrubber: &scrub_headers/1, body_scrubber: &scrub_params/1, cookie_scrubber: &scrub_cookies/1

Including Request Identifiers

If you're using Phoenix, Plug.RequestId, or another method to set a request ID response header, and would like to include that information with errors reported by Sentry.Plug, the :request_id_header option allows you to set which header key Sentry should check. It will default to "x-request-id", which Plug.RequestId (and therefore Phoenix) also default to.

use Sentry.Plug, request_id_header: "application-request-id"

Collect User Feedback after Error

Sentry allows collecting user feedback after they hit an error, and is configured under the :collect_feedback key. Information and configuration options are available here.

When enabled, if a Plug request experiences an error that Sentry is reporting and the request accepts the content-type "text/html" or "/", the feedback form will be rendered. The feedback form can be enabled by passing [enabled: true]. The form also supports all of the configuration in the Sentry documentation linked above. These options can be passed as a configuration map under the :options key. Example:

use Sentry.Plug, collect_feedback: [enabled: true, options: %{title: "Sorry about that!"}]

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

build_request_interface_data(conn, opts)

build_request_interface_data(Plug.Conn.t(), keyword()) :: map()
Link to this function


default_body_scrubber(Plug.Conn.t()) :: map()
Link to this function


default_header_scrubber(Plug.Conn.t()) :: map()