Serum.Result (serum v1.5.1) View Source

This module defines types for positive results or errors returned by functions in this project.

Link to this section Summary


Takes a list of results without value and checks if there is no error.

Takes a list of results with values and checks if there is no error.

Gets a human friendly message from the given result.

Prints an error object in a beautiful format.

Link to this section Types


err_details() :: msg_detail() | full_detail() | nest_detail()


error() :: {:error, err_details()}


full_detail() :: {binary(), binary(), non_neg_integer()}


msg_detail() :: binary()


nest_detail() :: {term(), [error()]}


t() :: :ok | error()


t(type) :: {:ok, type} | error()

Link to this section Functions


aggregate([t()], term()) :: t()

Takes a list of results without value and checks if there is no error.

Returns :ok if there is no error.

Returns an aggregated error object if there is one or more errors.

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aggregate_values(results, msg)

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aggregate_values([t(term())], term()) :: t([term()])

Takes a list of results with values and checks if there is no error.

If there is no error, it returns {:ok, list} where list is a list of returned values.

Returns an aggregated error object if there is one or more errors.

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get_message(result, depth)

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get_message(t() | t(term()), non_neg_integer()) :: binary()

Gets a human friendly message from the given result.

You can control the indentation level by passing a non-negative integer to the depth parameter.

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show(result, indent \\ 0)

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show(t() | t(term()), non_neg_integer()) :: :ok

Prints an error object in a beautiful format.