API Reference serum v1.5.1


Defines Serum OTP application.

A module for managing the overall project build procedure.

The Serum development server.

Provides access to the Serum development server command line interface.

Defines a struct representing a file to be read or written.

Defines a struct representing a page fragment.

Defines a struct describing a normal page.

A behaviour that all Serum plugin module must implement.

A Serum plugin that injects the live reloader script at the end of HTML files.

A Serum plugin that generates preview texts of pages and blog posts.

A Serum plugin that create a sitemap so that the search engine can index posts.

A Serum plugin that inserts a table of contents.

Defines a struct representing a blog post page.

Defines a struct representing a list of blog posts.

This module defines a struct for storing Serum project metadata.

This module defines types for positive results or errors returned by functions in this project.

This module defines Tag struct.

Defines a struct which stores a template and its information.

A behaviour that all Serum theme module must implement.

Mix Tasks

Prints a list of available Serum tasks.

Builds the Serum project at the specified directory.

Adds a new page to the current project.

Adds a new blog post to the current project.

Starts the Serum development server.