Seven.Otters.Aggregate (Seven Otters v0.8.0) View Source
Provides the use
macro to create an aggregate.
defmodule SevenCommerce.Aggregates.User do
use Seven.Otters.Aggregate, aggregate_field: :id
defstruct id: nil,
user: nil,
password: nil,
cart: []
defp init_state, do: %__MODULE__{}
defp pre_handle_command(_command, _state), do: :ok
defp handle_command(_command, _state), do: {:managed, []}
defp handle_event(_event, state), do: state
Module must declare the use of Seven.Otters.Aggregate
module, specifying the field to use as correlation id;
the field must be present in module structure:
use Seven.Otters.Aggregate, aggregate_field: :id
defstruct id: nil,
Some function must be implemented in the aggregate.