View Source SFTPClient.Operations.ReadFileChunk (SFTP Client v2.1.0)

A module that provides functions to read chunks of data from a file on an SFTP server.



Reads the given number of bytes (length) from the file referenced by handle. If the file is read past eof, only the remaining bytes are read and returned. If no bytes are read, :eof is returned.

Reads the given number of bytes (length) from the file referenced by handle. If the file is read past eof, only the remaining bytes are read and returned. If no bytes are read, :eof is returned. Raises when the operation fails.


Link to this function

read_file_chunk(handle, length)

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@spec read_file_chunk(SFTPClient.Handle.t(), non_neg_integer()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | :eof | {:error, SFTPClient.error()}

Reads the given number of bytes (length) from the file referenced by handle. If the file is read past eof, only the remaining bytes are read and returned. If no bytes are read, :eof is returned.

Link to this function

read_file_chunk!(handle, length)

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@spec read_file_chunk!(SFTPClient.Handle.t(), non_neg_integer()) ::
  String.t() | :eof | no_return()

Reads the given number of bytes (length) from the file referenced by handle. If the file is read past eof, only the remaining bytes are read and returned. If no bytes are read, :eof is returned. Raises when the operation fails.