View Source SFTPClient (SFTP Client v2.1.0)
This is an SFTP Client that wraps Erlang's :ssh
and :ssh_sftp
for easier usage in Elixir.
Connect & Disconnect
To open a new connection to an SFTP server:
iex> {:ok, conn} = SFTPClient.connect(host: "")
{:ok, %SFTPClient.Conn{}}
Refer to the docs for SFTPClient.Operations.Connect.connect/1
to find out
all available options.
It is strongly recommended to close a connection after your operations have completed:
iex> SFTPClient.disconnect(conn)
For short-lived connections you can also use a function as second argument. After the function body has run or raises, the connection is automatically closed.
iex> SFTPClient.connect([host: ""], fn conn ->
...> # Do something with conn
...> "my result"
...> end)
{:ok, "my result"}
You can download a file from the server you can use the following function.
iex> SFTPClient.download_file(conn, "my/remote/dir/file.jpg", "my/dir/local-file.jpg")
{:ok, "my/dir/local-file.jpg"}
When the third argument is an existing directory on your file system, the file is downloaded to a file with the same name as the one on the server.
iex> SFTPClient.download_file(conn, "my/remote/dir/image.png", "my/local/dir")
{:ok, "my/local/dir/image.png"}
It is also possible to use Streams to download data into a file or memory.
iex> SFTPClient.stream_file!(conn, "my/remote/file.jpg")
...> |> Stream.into(!("my/local/file.jpg"))
...> |>
To upload are file from the file system you can use the following function.
iex> SFTPClient.upload_file(conn, "my/local/dir/file.jpg", "my/remote/dir/file.jpg")
{:ok, "my/remote/dir/file.jpg"}
You can also use Streams to upload data. Please make sure to set a proper chunk size or the upload may be slow.
...> |> Stream.into(SFTPClient.stream_file!(conn, "my/remote/file.jpg"))
...> |>
List Directory
iex> SFTPClient.list_dir(conn, "my/dir")
{:ok, ["my/dir/file_1.jpg", "my/dir/file_2.jpg"]}
Create Directory
iex> SFTPClient.make_dir(conn, "my/new/dir")
Note that this operation fails unless the parent directory exists.
To delete a file:
iex> SFTPClient.delete_file(conn, "my/remote/file.jpg")
To delete a directory:
iex> SFTPClient.delete_dir(conn, "my/remote/dir")
Note that a directory cannot be deleted as long as it still contains files.
To move/rename a file or directory:
iex> SFTPClient.rename(conn, "my/remote/file.jpg", "my/remote/new-file.jpg")
File Info
You can retrieve meta data about a file from the server such as file size, modification time, file permissions, owner and so on.
iex> SFTPClient.file_info(conn, "my/remote/file.jpg")
{:ok, %File.Stat{}}
Refer to the File.Stat
docs for a
list of available file information.
Symbolic Links
There are also a couple of functions that handle symbolic links.
It is possible to get the target of a symlink.
iex> SFTPClient.read_link(conn, "my/remote/link.jpg")
{:ok, "my/remote/file.jpg"}
You can retrieve meta data about symlinks, similar to file_info/2
iex> SFTPClient.link_info(conn, "my/remote/link.jpg")
{:ok, %File.Stat{}}
And you are able to create symlinks.
iex> SFTPClient.make_link(conn, "my/remote/link.jpg", "my/remote/file.jpg")
File access modes that can be used when opening files directly from the remote server.
A type incorporating all error types.
@type access_mode() :: :read | :write | :creat | :trunc | :append | :binary
File access modes that can be used when opening files directly from the remote server.
@type error() :: SFTPClient.ConnError.t() | SFTPClient.InvalidOptionError.t() | SFTPClient.OperationError.t()
A type incorporating all error types.
See SFTPClient.Operations.WriteFileChunk.write_file_chunk/2
See SFTPClient.Operations.WriteFileChunk.write_file_chunk!/2