API Reference ShEx.ex v0.1.4


An implementation of the ShEx standard for Elixir.

A ShEx schema is a collection of ShEx shape expressions that prescribes conditions that RDF data graphs must meet in order to be considered "conformant".

Functions for working with the ShExC format.

Functions for working with the ShExJ format.

A finite set of ShEx.ShapeMap.Associations used to specify the nodes on which validations should be performed and for the result of validations.

A ShapeMap association specifies the shape a node must conform to and contains the results of a validation.

A violation of a shape during validation.

ShEx.Violation produced when unmatched triples where found on a closed shape.

ShEx.Violation produced on a nonconformant datatype constraint.

ShEx.Violation produced on a nonconformant maximum cardinality constraint.

ShEx.Violation produced on a nonconformant minimum cardinality constraint.

ShEx.Violation produced when a negated shape expression matched.

ShEx.Violation produced on a nonconformant node constraint.

ShEx.Violation produced on a nonconformant numeric facet constraint.

ShEx.Violation produced on a nonconformant string facet constraint.

ShEx.Violation produced on a nonconformant values constraint.