Shin.IdP (Shin v0.2.0) View Source

This module contains the IdP structure used to configure requests to a particular IdP. The defaults should work for a typical fresh installation of Shibboleth IdP v4, but may require customisation if the IdP has a different path for endpoints, or additional metrics groups, etc.

Link to this section Summary


Returns a structure representing an IdP and its configuration.

Returns a structure representing an IdP and its configuration.

Checks if a service ID or service alias is present in the IdP configuration.

Return a list of metric groups for the IdP, as atoms.

Returns the base metrics path (for all metrics) for an IdP

Returns the base metrics path for the specified group at an IdP

Return a list of service aliases as atoms.

Return a list of service IDs, as used by the Shibboleth IdP software.

Checks if a metric group is present in the IdP configuration and returns a normalised version.

Checks if a service ID or service alias is present in the IdP configuration and returns a normalised version.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %Shin.IdP{
  attributes_path: binary(),
  base_url: binary(),
  lockout_bean: binary(),
  lockout_path: binary(),
  md_query_path: binary(),
  md_reload_path: binary(),
  metric_groups: list(),
  metrics_path: binary(),
  no_dns_check: boolean(),
  reload_path: binary(),
  reloadable_services: map(),
  retries: integer(),
  timeout: integer()

Link to this section Functions


configure(idp :: binary() | t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, binary()}

Returns a structure representing an IdP and its configuration.

Pass a URL as the only parameter (although it will pass-through existing IdP stucts too)

The URL is the base URL of the IdP service, not its entity ID. Normally this will include the "/idp" path.


{:ok, idp} = Shin.IdP.configure("")
{:ok, idp} = Shin.IdP.configure(idp) # pass-through an existing IdP struct
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configure(base_url, options \\ [])

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configure(idp :: binary(), options :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, binary()}

Returns a structure representing an IdP and its configuration.

Pass a URL as the first (and required) parameter. URL validation can be skipped by specifying no_dns_check: true as an option. Other options will replace defaults for the IdP's configuration.

The URL is the base URL of the IdP service, not its entity ID. Normally this will include the "/idp" path.


{:ok, idp} = Shin.IdP.configure("")
{:ok, idp} = Shin.IdP.configure("", no_dns_check: true)
{:ok, idp} = Shin.IdP.configure("", metric_groups: [:core, :idp, :logging, :metadata, :errors])
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is_reloadable?(idp, service)

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is_reloadable?(idp :: t(), service :: atom() | binary()) :: boolean()

Checks if a service ID or service alias is present in the IdP configuration.

Returns true or false


  Shin.IdP.is_reloadable?(idp, :attribute_registry)
  # => true


metric_groups(idp :: t()) :: list()

Return a list of metric groups for the IdP, as atoms.


# => [:core, :idp, :logging, :access, :metadata, :nameid, :relyingparty, :registry, :resolver, :filter, :cas, :bean]


metrics_path(idp :: t()) :: binary()

Returns the base metrics path (for all metrics) for an IdP


  # =>  metrics_path: "",
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metrics_path(idp, group)

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metrics_path(idp :: t(), group :: atom() | binary()) :: binary()

Returns the base metrics path for the specified group at an IdP


  Shin.IdP.metrics_path(idp, :core)
  # =>  metrics_path: "",


service_aliases(idp :: t()) :: list()

Return a list of service aliases as atoms.

These can be passed instead of the full Shibboleth service ID.


# => [:relying_party_resolver, :metadata_resolver, :attribute_registry, :attribute_resolver, :attribute_filter ...]


service_ids(idp :: t()) :: list()

Return a list of service IDs, as used by the Shibboleth IdP software.


# => ["shibboleth.RelyingPartyResolverService", "shibboleth.MetadataResolverService", "shibboleth.LoggingService" ...]
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validate_metric_group(idp, group)

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validate_metric_group(idp :: t(), service :: atom() | binary()) :: {:ok, atom()}

Checks if a metric group is present in the IdP configuration and returns a normalised version.

Returns an atom.


  Shin.IdP.validate_metric_group(idp, "core")
  # => :core
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validate_service(idp, service)

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validate_service(idp :: t(), service :: atom() | binary()) :: {:ok, binary()}

Checks if a service ID or service alias is present in the IdP configuration and returns a normalised version.

Returns the full Shibboleth IdP service ID if passed an alias atom.


  Shin.IdP.validate_service(idp, :attribute_registry)
  # => "shibboleth.AttributeRegistryService"