

An ordered tree of values used to implement other kinds of data structures like queues. Elements can be added or removed from the head or tail of the tree in nearly constant time.

pub opaque type ShineTree(u)


pub const empty: ShineTree(a)
pub const fold: fn(ShineTree(a), b, fn(c, a) -> c) -> c

This is an alias for fold_l.

pub const fold_right: fn(ShineTree(a), b, fn(c, a) -> c) -> c

This is an alias for fold_r.

pub const fold_right_until: fn(
  fn(b, a) -> ContinueOrStop(b),
) -> b

This is an alias for fold_r_until

pub const fold_until: fn(
  fn(b, a) -> ContinueOrStop(b),
) -> b

This is an alias for fold_l_until

pub const head: fn(ShineTree(a)) -> Result(a, Nil)

This is an alias for first.

pub const tail: fn(ShineTree(a)) -> Result(a, Nil)

This is an alias for last.

pub const try_fold: fn(ShineTree(a), b, fn(b, a) -> Result(b, c)) ->
  Result(b, c)

This is an alias for try_foldl


pub fn all(tree: ShineTree(a), f: fn(a) -> Bool) -> Bool

Returns true if the predicate f returns True for each element in the ShineTree. Returns False otherwise.


shine_tree.all(shine_tree.empty, fn(x) { x == 0 })
// -> True
all(shine_tree.from_list([-1, -42]), fn(x) { x < 0 })
// -> True
all(shine_tree.from_list([2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11]), int.is_even)
// -> False
pub fn any(tree: ShineTree(a), f: fn(a) -> Bool) -> Bool

Returns True if the predicate f returns True for any element in the ShineTree. Returns False otherwise.


// No items in the tree will always be false
any(shine_tree.empty, int.is_even)
// -> False
any([10, 32, 42, 43, 44], fn(x) { x == 42 })
// -> True
any([3, 4], fn(x) { x + 1 == 42 })
// -> False
pub fn append(
  tree_1: ShineTree(a),
  tree_2: ShineTree(a),
) -> ShineTree(a)
pub fn concat(trees: List(ShineTree(a))) -> ShineTree(a)
pub fn contains(tree: ShineTree(a), u: a) -> Bool

Returns True if the given value is contained in the given tree.

pub fn count(tree: ShineTree(a), where f: fn(a) -> Bool) -> Int

Counts the number of elements in a given ShineTree satisfying a given predicate.

This function has to traverse the entire tree to determine the number of elements, so it runs in linear time.


count(shine_tree.from_list([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), int.is_even)
// -> 5
pub fn each(tree: ShineTree(a), f: fn(a) -> b) -> Nil

Calls a function for each element in the tree, discarding the return value.

pub fn equals(a: ShineTree(a), b: ShineTree(a)) -> Bool

Compares two trees for equality. Since trees can have many shapes, the items can be in the correct order and values, but the tree is balanced differently.

This function reduces over the two trees and compares their values, immediately returning False if they are not equal.

pub fn filter(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  f: fn(a) -> Bool,
) -> ShineTree(a)

Creates a new tree containing all the elements of the given tree, for which the given predicate returns True.

shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
|> filter(int.is_odd)
// -> shine_tree.from_list([1, 3, 5, 7])
pub fn filter_map(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  f: fn(a) -> Result(b, c),
) -> ShineTree(b)

Returns a new tree containing only the elements from the first tree where the given function returns Ok(b).

pub fn find(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  f: fn(a) -> Bool,
) -> Result(a, Nil)

Finds the first element in a given tree that satisfies the given predicate.

shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
|> find(int.is_even)
// -> 2
pub fn find_map(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  f: fn(a) -> Result(b, c),
) -> Result(b, Nil)

Finds the first element in a given tree for which the given function returns Ok(val).

shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
|> find_map(fn(u) {
  case u > 5 {
    True -> Ok(u)
    False -> Error(Nil)
// -> 2
pub fn first(tree: ShineTree(a)) -> Result(a, Nil)
pub fn fold_l(
  over tree: ShineTree(a),
  from v: b,
  with f: fn(c, a) -> c,
) -> c

Reduces all the elements of the given tree into a single value, made by calling a given function on all the elements, traversing the tree from left to right.

fold_l(shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3]), 0, int.add) is the equivalent of add(add(add(0, 1), 2), 3).

// calculate 20! (factorial)
let n = 20
shine_tree.fold_l(shine_tree.range(2, n), int.multiply)
// -> 2432902008176640000
pub fn fold_l_until(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  v: b,
  with f: fn(b, a) -> ContinueOrStop(b),
) -> b

Fold a given value over the items of a given tree, starting with the beginning until the given function returns Stop.

The accumulated value is then returned.


fold_until(shine_tree.from_list([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), 0, fn(acc, x) {
  case x {
    5 -> Stop(acc + 1)
    _ -> Continue(acc + x)
// -> 10
pub fn fold_r(tree: ShineTree(a), v: b, f: fn(c, a) -> c) -> c

Reduces all the elements of the given tree into a single value, made by calling a given function on all the elements, traversing the tree from left to right.

fold_r(shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3]), 0, int.add) is the equivalent of add(add(add(0, 3), 2), 1).

// calculate 20! (factorial)
let n = 20
shine_tree.fold_r(shine_tree.range(2, n), int.multiply)
// -> 2432902008176640000
pub fn fold_r_until(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  v: b,
  with f: fn(b, a) -> ContinueOrStop(b),
) -> b

Fold a given value over the items of a given tree, starting with the end until the given function returns Stop.

The accumulated value is then returned.

pub fn from_iterator(iterable: Iterator(a)) -> ShineTree(a)
pub fn from_list(values: List(a)) -> ShineTree(a)

Creates a new tree containing all the elements of the given list.

shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
// -> It's a ShineTree with all the items in it!
// Were you expecting a list?
pub fn get(tree: ShineTree(a), index: Int) -> Result(a, Nil)

Get the value at the given index in the tree if it exists.

pub fn group(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  f: fn(a) -> b,
) -> Dict(b, ShineTree(a))

This function takes the tree, and groups the values by a returned key into a Dict. It does not sort the values, or preserve the order.

pub fn last(tree: ShineTree(a)) -> Result(a, Nil)
pub fn map(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  with f: fn(a) -> b,
) -> ShineTree(b)

Maps all the elements of the given tree into a new tree where each element has been transformed by the given function.

let tree = shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3]), int.multiply(2, _))
// -> shine_tree.from_list([2, 4, 6])
pub fn pop(tree: ShineTree(a)) -> Result(#(a, ShineTree(a)), Nil)

Pops an element from the end of the given tree.

If there are no items, it returns Error(Nil), otherwise it returns the popped item, and the resulting tree with the element removed.

let tree = shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3])
// -> Ok(3, shine_tree.from_list([1, 2]))
shine_tree.empty |> shine_tree.pop
// -> Error(Nil)
pub fn prepend(
  tree_1: ShineTree(a),
  tree_2: ShineTree(a),
) -> ShineTree(a)
pub fn push(tree: ShineTree(a), value: a) -> ShineTree(a)

Pushes an element to the end of the given tree.

let tree = shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3])
shine_tree.push(tree, 4)
// -> shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3, 4])
pub fn range(start: Int, finish: Int) -> ShineTree(Int)

Creates a tree of n consecutive integers, starting from start. and finishing with finish.


let ten_items = shine_tree.range(1, 10)
pub fn reverse(tree: ShineTree(a)) -> ShineTree(a)
pub fn shift(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
) -> Result(#(a, ShineTree(a)), Nil)

Pops an element from the front of the given tree.

If there are no items, it returns Error(Nil), otherwise it returns the popped item, and the resulting tree with the element removed.

let tree = shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3])
// -> Ok(1, shine_tree.from_list([2, 3]))
shine_tree.empty |> shine_tree.pop
// -> Error(Nil)
pub fn single(u: a) -> ShineTree(a)
pub fn size(tree: ShineTree(a)) -> Int

Returns the number of elements in the given tree.

This is an O(1) operation, because the size is cached in the tree at the time it is created.

pub fn sort(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  compare: fn(a, a) -> Order,
) -> ShineTree(a)

Sort a ShineTree using the compare function using a “quicksort” algorithm.

pub fn to_iterator(tree: ShineTree(a)) -> Iterator(a)

Creates an iterator from a given tree, yielding each element in succession until there are no elements left.


let iter = unfold(shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3]))

let #(num, iter) = iterator.step(iter)
// -> Next(1, Iterator(Int))
let #(num, iter) = iterator.step(iter)
// -> Next(2, Iterator(Int))
let #(num, iter) = iterator.step(iter)
// -> Next(3, Iterator(Int))
let a = iterator.step(iter)
// -> Done
pub fn to_list(tree: ShineTree(a)) -> List(a)

Creates a new list containing all the elements of the given tree.

shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
|> to_list
// -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
pub fn try_foldl(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  acc: b,
  f: fn(b, a) -> Result(b, c),
) -> Result(b, c)

Perform a folding operation and return the success Ok value, or the error Error value if the operation fails.

pub fn try_foldr(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  acc: b,
  f: fn(b, a) -> Result(b, c),
) -> Result(b, c)

Perform a folding operation and return the success Ok value, or the error Error value if the operation fails immediately.

pub fn try_map(
  tree: ShineTree(a),
  f: fn(a) -> Result(b, c),
) -> Result(ShineTree(b), c)

Maps all the elements of the given tree into a new tree where each element has been transformed by the given function if the function returns Ok(val). If the function returns Error(err), the error returns immediately.

pub fn unshift(tree: ShineTree(a), value: a) -> ShineTree(a)

Pushes an element to the beginning of the given tree.

let tree = shine_tree.from_list([1, 2, 3])
shine_tree.unshift(tree, 0)
// -> shine_tree.from_list([0, 1, 2, 3])
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