Shopifex.PaymentGuard behaviour (Shopifex v2.1.20) View Source

Context behaviour responsible for fetching and using payment grants.

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After payment has been accepted, this function is meant to persist the payment. Default behaviour is to create a grant schema record. charge_id is the external id for the Shopify charge record.

Gets a plan with a given identifier

Returns a payment record which grants access to the payment guard. Default behaviour filters where remaining_usages is greater than 0 or has a nil value (unlimited usage). You can also provide a list of grants in place of the first parameter in order to avoid a trip to the database.

Returns a list of valid grants which are associated with the store.

Get a list of plans for shop based on provided guard

Updates the grant to reflect the usage of it in some way. Defaults to decrementing the remaining_usages property if it's not nil. If it is nil, the grant has unlimited usages

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grant() :: %{
  charge_id: pos_integer(),
  grants: [String.t()],
  remaining_usages: pos_integer(),
  total_usages: pos_integer()


guard() :: String.t()


plan() :: %{
  id: String.t() | pos_integer(),
  name: String.t(),
  price: String.t(),
  type: String.t(),
  test: boolean()


shop() :: %{access_token: String.t(), scope: String.t(), url: String.t()}

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create_grant(shop, plan, charge_id)

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create_grant(shop :: shop(), plan :: plan(), charge_id :: pos_integer()) ::
  {:ok, any()}

After payment has been accepted, this function is meant to persist the payment. Default behaviour is to create a grant schema record. charge_id is the external id for the Shopify charge record.

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get_plan(plan_id :: String.t() | pos_integer()) :: plan()

Gets a plan with a given identifier

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grant_for_guard(arg1, guard)

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grant_for_guard(shop() | [grant()], guard()) :: grant() | boolean()

Returns a payment record which grants access to the payment guard. Default behaviour filters where remaining_usages is greater than 0 or has a nil value (unlimited usage). You can also provide a list of grants in place of the first parameter in order to avoid a trip to the database.


grants_for_shop(shop()) :: [grant()]

Returns a list of valid grants which are associated with the store.

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list_available_plans_for_guard(shop, guard)

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list_available_plans_for_guard(shop :: shop(), guard :: guard()) :: [plan()]

Get a list of plans for shop based on provided guard

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use_grant(shop, grant)

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use_grant(shop(), grant()) :: grant()

Updates the grant to reflect the usage of it in some way. Defaults to decrementing the remaining_usages property if it's not nil. If it is nil, the grant has unlimited usages