API Reference Shopifex v2.1.20


A simple boilerplate package for creating Shopify embedded apps with the Elixir Phoenix framework. https://hexdocs.pm/shopifex

Context behaviour responsible for fetching and using payment grants.

An API for accessing the Shopify session data for the current request.

This plug ensures that the shop which is currently loaded in the session has all of the scopes which are defined under config :shopifex, scopes: "foo".

Fetches the flash in a way which maintains the session within Shopify iFrame

Add payment guards to your routes or controllers!

Adds Content-Security-Policy response header to the provided Plug.Conn in order to securely load embedded application in the Shopify admin panel.

Ensures that the connection has a valid Shopify webhook HMAC token and builds Shopifex session.

Ensures that the current request contains a valid HMAC token.

A specification for how Shopifex is to interact with your Shopify shops table.

This module acts as the context for any database interaction from within the Shopifex package.

The entrypoint for shopifex web interface, such as controllers, views, channels and so on.

You can use this module inside of another controller to handle initial iFrame load and shop installation

Include body_reader: {ShopifexWeb.CacheBodyReader, :read_body, []} in your endpoint.ex file in Plug.Parser options

Conveniences for translating and building error messages.

A module providing Internationalization with a gettext-based API.

You can use this module inside of another controller to handle initial iFrame load and shop installation

Provides macros for easily responding to Shopify requests within your Shopifex router.

You can use this module inside of another one of your application controllers. The conn, shop and topic will be called by handle_topic/3 which you can define in your parent controller.