ShopifexWeb.PaymentController behaviour (Shopifex v2.2.2) View Source

You can use this module inside of another controller to handle initial iFrame load and shop installation


mix phx.gen.html Shops Plan plans name:string price:string features:array grants:array test:boolean mix phx.gen.html Shops Grant grants shop:references:shops charge_id:integer grants:array

defmodule MyAppWeb.PaymentController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  use ShopifexWeb.PaymentController

  # Thats it! You can now configure your purchasable products :)

Link to this section Summary


An optional callback called after a payment is completed. By default, this function redirects the user to the app index within their Shopify admin panel.

Display the available payment plans for the user to select.

Given a shop and plan, return boolean for whether the charge should be created as a test charge.

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback

after_payment( t, t, t, t, t )

View Source (optional)


An optional callback called after a payment is completed. By default, this function redirects the user to the app index within their Shopify admin panel.


def after_payment(conn, shop, plan, grant, redirect_after) do
  # send yourself an e-mail about payment

  # follow default behaviour.
  super(conn, shop, plan, grant, redirect_after)
Link to this callback

render_plans( conn, guard_identifier, redirect_after )

View Source (optional)


  conn :: Plug.Conn.t(),
  guard_identifier :: String.t(),
  redirect_after :: String.t()
) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Display the available payment plans for the user to select.

Link to this callback

test_charge?(shop, plan)

View Source (optional)


test_charge?(shop :: Ecto.Schema.t(), plan :: map()) :: boolean()

Given a shop and plan, return boolean for whether the charge should be created as a test charge.