Simple PubSub for gleam

Simple PubSub for gleam, based on process groups.

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Add this library to your Gleam project

gleam add simple_pubsub

And use it in your project


import simple_pubsub as ps
import process_groups
import gleam/erlang/process

// Messages we want to send over the PubSub
type PubSubMessage{

pub fn main() {
    // start process groups, needed for pubsub

    // create a pubsub
    let pubsub = ps.new_pubsub()

    // subscribe, normally you would subscribe another process than this one
    let subscription = ps.subscribe(pubsub, process.self())

    // broadcast a message
    ps.broadcast(pubsub, PubSubMessage)

    // receive the message
    let assert Ok(PubSubMessage) = ps.receive(subscription, 100)


gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell
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