

Definition of a StyleSheet. classes ensures a mapping between functions and class names. content is the corresponding CSS classes.

pub type Css {
  Css(classes: List(#(String, String)), content: List(String))


  • Css(classes: List(#(String, String)), content: List(String))

Definition of a Gleam styles definitions file. path is up to you, to retrieve your module easily. content should be a valid Gleam source file.

pub type Module {
    path: String,
    content: String,
    ast: Option(glance.Module),


  • Module(path: String, content: String, ast: Option(glance.Module))


pub fn compute_modules(
  modules: List(Module),
) -> List(#(Module, Css))

Compute the content of a bunch of Gleam Styles modules. This function is designed to be used outside of the CLI, if you need it in your frontend for example.

pub fn generate_stylesheets(
  src src: String,
  dst dst: String,
  interface src_interfaces: String,
) -> Result(Nil, Error)

Generate stylesheets from Gleam style definitions files. Recursively extract all files ending with _styles.gleam, _css.gleam or _sketch.gleam to proper stylesheets, and output some files interfaces to interact with them.

src should be a relative path containing the source files. dst should be a relative path where to output CSS files. interface should be a relative path where to output Gleam files.

pub fn main() -> Nil

The main function is used as an entrypoint for Sketch CSS. That function not meant to be used in your code, but is called when you use gleam run from the command line.

gleam run -m sketch/css
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