sky v0.2.0 Sky

Collection of higher-oder functions not present in the standard library.



Given two one-argument functions, a subject f and a predicate p, return a function that takes an argument x

Get the arity of the given function

Creates a function that receives an argument and always returns the original given value

Curries the given function, starting with an optional list of given params

Given a single-argument function f, return a new function that receives either a tuple in the form {:ok, value} which would execute f.(value), or any other term, which would be returned without change

Given a predicate p, which receives a single argument and returns a boolean value, return a function which is equivalent to not p.(x)

Given a one-argument function that raises an exception, return a function that instead returns any of the following tuples

Given two one-argument functions, a subject f and a predicate p, return a function that takes an argument x

Given a two argument functions, swap the order in wich the arguments are received

Given a function f with arity n, return a function that receives a single tuple of n elements and applies them to the original f


apply_if(f, p)

Given two one-argument functions, a subject f and a predicate p, return a function that takes an argument x.

However, in contrast to Sky.reject_if/2, if the predicate is not satisfied, the parameter x is returned. Otherwise the return value is f.(x).


iex> trim = (&tl/1)
iex> non_empty? = fn list -> length(list) > 0 end
iex> safetrim = Sky.apply_if(trim, non_empty?)
iex> safetrim.([1,2])
iex> safetrim.([])

Get the arity of the given function.


iex> Sky.arity(&

iex> Sky.arity(fn(_, _, _) -> nil end)

Creates a function that receives an argument and always returns the original given value.


iex> one = Sky.constant(1)
iex> one.(2)
iex> one.(nil)
curry(f, given \\ [])

Curries the given function, starting with an optional list of given params.


The order of the arguments is respected.

iex> Sky.curry(fn(a, b) -> a - b end).(5).(4)

You can also pass it a list of predefined parameters.

iex> Sky.curry(fn(a, b, c) -> a + b + c end, [1, 2]).(3)

Given a single-argument function f, return a new function that receives either a tuple in the form {:ok, value} which would execute f.(value), or any other term, which would be returned without change.

In case of success, the return value of the returned function is always in the form {:ok, value} even if the result of f was in the same form. This means that any nesting is eliminated.


iex> inc = Sky.lift_ok(fn n -> n + 1 end)
iex> inc.({:ok, 1})
{:ok, 2}
iex> inc.({:error, :bad_input})
{:error, :bad_input}

Note that the value is always a two-element tuple {:ok, v}.

iex> inc = Sky.lift_ok(fn n -> n + 1 end)
iex> inc.(inc.({:ok, 1}))
{:ok, 3}

Given a predicate p, which receives a single argument and returns a boolean value, return a function which is equivalent to not p.(x)


iex> negative? = fn x -> x < 0 end
iex> no_negative? = Sky.negate(negative?)
iex> no_negative?.(1)

Given a one-argument function that raises an exception, return a function that instead returns any of the following tuples:

  • {:ok, value} when no exception is raised
  • {:error, exception} when an exception is raised.


iex> safe_float_div = Sky.noraise(fn ({a, b}) -> a / b end)
iex> safe_float_div.({1, 0})
{:error, %ArithmeticError{message: "bad argument in arithmetic expression"}}
iex> safe_float_div.({1, 2})
{:ok, 0.5}
reject_if(f, p)

Given two one-argument functions, a subject f and a predicate p, return a function that takes an argument x.

Such function returns {:ok, f.(x)} only if p.(x) is truthy, :error otherwise.


iex> f = fn x -> x - 1 end
iex> p = fn x -> x > 0 end
iex> Sky.reject_if(f, p).(1)
{:ok, 0}
iex> Sky.reject_if(f, p).(0)

Given a two argument functions, swap the order in wich the arguments are received.


iex> Sky.swap(&rem/2).(7, 5)

iex> Sky.swap(fn(a, b) -> a - b end).(2, 1)

Given a function f with arity n, return a function that receives a single tuple of n elements and applies them to the original f.


iex> Sky.tupleize(fn(a, b) -> a + b end).({1, 2})

It might seem less useful for functions of one argument, but you might gain composability with other functions from the module.