smart_tracer v0.2.1 SmartTracer View Source

A simple wrapper for recon_trace.


When connected to a live remote console, issue the trace/2 passing the function reference and rate limit.

Tracing a global function

    iex> SmartTracer.trace(&FakeModule.hello/1, 5)
    iex> FakeModule.hello("Vince")
    Elixir.SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule.hello/1 is being called with:

Tracing a local function

    iex> SmartTracer.trace(&FakeModule.get_name/1, 5, scope: :local)
    iex> FakeModule.hello("Vince")
    Elixir.SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule.get_name/1 is being called with:

Tracing a function and getting it's return value (possible also for local tracing)

    iex> SmartTracer.trace(&FakeModulne.hello/1, 5, return: true)
    iex> FakeModule.hello("Vince")
    Elixir.SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule.hello/1 is being called with:
    Elixir.SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule.hello/1 returns:
      "Hello, my name is NAME-Vince"

Tracing a function and recording calls and returns

    iex> SmartTracer.trace(&FakeModulne.hello/1, 5, return: true, record: true)

To playback all the recordings, use playback/0

    iex> SmartTracer.playback()
      args: ["Vince"],
      arity: 1,
      function: :hello,
      module: SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule,
      type: :call
      arity: 1,
      function: :hello,
      module: SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule,
      return_value: "Hello, my name is NAME-Vince",
      type: :return

Link to this section Summary


Returns a list of all the traces.

Stops tracing any function calls.

Traces calls for the specified function.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function


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playback() ::
  [{:call, {module(), atom(), [String.t()]}}]
  | [{:return, {module(), atom(), integer(), String.t()}}]

Returns a list of all the traces.

Stops tracing any function calls.

Link to this function

trace(function, calls_count, opts \\ [])

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trace(function :: (... -> any()), calls_count :: integer(), opts :: keyword()) ::
  :ok | :no_matches

Traces calls for the specified function.


  • :return - display return value of the specified function, defaults to false
  • :scope - determines wether to trace local calls as well

    • :global (default) - trace only public functions
    • :local - trace private function calls as well