View Source Smokestack.Dsl.Template (smokestack v0.9.1)

Templates which assist in the generation of values.œ



Randomly select between a list of options.

Select a constant value

Cycle sequentially between a list of options.

Call a generator a number of times.


@type element() :: any()
@type mapper() :: nil | (any() -> any())


Link to this function

choose(options, mapper \\ nil)

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Randomly select between a list of options.

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constant(value, mapper \\ nil)

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@spec constant(element(), mapper()) :: Smokestack.Template.t()

Select a constant value

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cycle(options, mapper \\ nil)

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Cycle sequentially between a list of options.

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n_times(n, generator, mapper \\ nil)

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Call a generator a number of times.

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sequence(mapper \\ nil, sequence_options \\ [])

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@spec sequence(mapper(), start: number(), step: number()) :: Smokestack.Template.t()

Generate sequential values.