
A module for generating unique IDs using the Twitter Snowflake algorithm.


The Snowflake ID generator. This is not meant to be used directly but with the provided builder functions.

pub opaque type Generator

The messages that the generator actor can receive.

pub opaque type Message


pub const default_epoch: Int

The default epoch for the generator. Corresponds to the Unix epoch.


pub fn generate(channel: Subject(Message)) -> Int

Generates a new Snowflake ID.


import gleam/snowgleam

let epoch = 1_420_070_400_000
let worker_id = 12

let assert Ok(generator) =
  |> snowgleam.with_epoch(epoch)
  |> snowgleam.with_worker_id(worker_id)
  |> snowgleam.start()

let id = snowgleam.generate(generator)
pub fn new_generator() -> Generator

Creates a new Snowflake ID generator with default settings.

pub fn process_id(id: Int) -> Int

Extracts the process ID from a Snowflake ID.

pub fn start(
  generator: Generator,
) -> Result(Subject(Message), String)

Starts the generator.

pub fn timestamp(id: Int, epoch: Int) -> Int

Extracts the timestamp from a Snowflake ID using the provided epoch.

pub fn with_epoch(generator: Generator, epoch: Int) -> Generator

Sets the epoch for the generator.

pub fn with_process_id(
  generator: Generator,
  process_id: Int,
) -> Generator

Sets the process ID for the generator.

pub fn with_worker_id(
  generator: Generator,
  worker_id: Int,
) -> Generator

Sets the worker ID for the generator.

pub fn worker_id(id: Int) -> Int

Extracts the worker ID from a Snowflake ID.

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