snowhite v2.1.3 Snowhite.Helpers.Html View Source

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Helpers that creates a class using by a given set of predicates.

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binary_condition() :: {function(), class(), class()}


class() :: String.t()


class_type() :: condition() | function() | class()


condition() :: {function(), class()}

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classes(conditions, args)

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classes([class_type()], list()) :: String.t()

Helpers that creates a class using by a given set of predicates.

It supports the following format:

  • {function, true_class, false_class}: if the function is true, the true_class is prepended, otherwise the false_class.
  • {function, class}: if the function is true, the class is prepended.
  • function: returns the result of the given function
  • class: always present


iex> conditions = [
  {fn user -> user.age > 18 end, "is-adult"},
  {fn user -> user.state == true end, "is-active", "is-inactive"},
  fn user -> if user.gender == :female, do: "is-female", else: "is-male" end,
iex> classes(conditions, [%{age: 20, active: true, gender: :female}])
"user is-female is-active is-adult"
iex> classes(conditions, [%{age: 10, active: true, gender: :male}])
"user is-male is-active"
iex> classes(conditions, [%{age: 10, active: false, gender: :female}])
"user is-female is_inactive"