snowhite v2.1.3 SnowhiteWeb.Layouts.View View Source

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The resource name, as an atom, for this view

Renders the given template locally.

Gets the route helpers from the conn's router. As this view will be fired from another application and Snowhite doesn't include any endpoint nor default router. It fetches the router from the conn.

Callback invoked when no template is found. By default it raises but can be customized to render a particular template.

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The resource name, as an atom, for this view

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render(template, assigns \\ %{})

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Renders the given template locally.


route_helpers(Plug.Conn.t()) :: module()

Gets the route helpers from the conn's router. As this view will be fired from another application and Snowhite doesn't include any endpoint nor default router. It fetches the router from the conn.

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template_not_found(template, assigns)

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template_not_found(, map()) :: no_return()

Callback invoked when no template is found. By default it raises but can be customized to render a particular template.