snowhite v2.1.3 SnowhiteWeb.Profile.View View Source

Handles view logic of the rendered page for a given Profile.

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The resource name, as an atom, for this view

Converts a layout to a keyword list representation so it can be enumerable.

Gets pane's HTML classes based on it's position identifier. It sets the "pane" class along with it's horizontal and vertical identifiers. For instance, top_left pane would have class="pane top left".

Renders the given template locally.

Callback invoked when no template is found. By default it raises but can be customized to render a particular template.

Link to this section Functions

The resource name, as an atom, for this view


Converts a layout to a keyword list representation so it can be enumerable.


Gets pane's HTML classes based on it's position identifier. It sets the "pane" class along with it's horizontal and vertical identifiers. For instance, top_left pane would have class="pane top left".

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render(template, assigns \\ %{})

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Renders the given template locally.

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template_not_found(template, assigns)

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template_not_found(, map()) :: no_return()

Callback invoked when no template is found. By default it raises but can be customized to render a particular template.