Soap (Soap v1.1.1) View Source

The SOAP client for Elixir based on HTTPoison (for send requests) and SweetXml (for XML parsing).

Soap contains 5 main modules:

  • Soap.Wsdl - Build wsdl components data map. Can parse raw wsdl file from external url or local path. Wsdl which is prepared this module are using for send requests.

  • Soap.Request - Provides functionality for build and calling requests. Contains Request.Headers and Soap.Params submodules for build headers and build body with parameters validation respectively. This module is a wrapper over HTTPoison. It send requests and handle them.

  • Soap.Response - Handle soap response and handle them. It provides functionality for parsing xml-like body and transform it to comfortable structure. Structure for this module returns with necessary data after send a request.

  • Soap.Xsd - This module have same functionality as Soap.Wsdl module, but only for Xsd-files. It allows to parse xsd files from external resources or local path and convert it to map.

  • Soap.Type - Provides a functionality for find and parse complex types from raw xsd file. It uses in library for validation parameters when we build request body.

The Soap module can be used to parse WSDL files:

iex> Soap.init_model("", :url)
{:ok, %{
  complex_types: [...],
  endpoint: "...",
  messages: [...],
  namespaces: %{...},
  operations: [...],
  schema_attributes: %{...},
  soap_version: "x.x",
  validation_types: %{...}

And send requests:

iex>, action, params)
{:ok, %Soap.Response{}}

It's very common to use Soap in order to wrap APIs. See call/5 for more details on how to issue requests to soap services

Link to this section Summary


Send a request to the SOAP server based on the passed WSDL file, action and parameters.

Initialization of a WSDL model. Response a map of parsed data from file. Returns {:ok, wsdl}.

Returns a list of available actions of the passed WSDL.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

call(wsdl, operation, params, headers \\ [], opts \\ [])

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  wsdl :: map(),
  operation :: String.t(),
  params :: map(),
  headers :: any(),
  opts :: any()
) ::

Send a request to the SOAP server based on the passed WSDL file, action and parameters.

Returns {:ok, %Soap.Response{}} if the request is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.


  • wsdl: Wsdl model from Soap.init_model/2 function.
  • action: Soap action to be called. Use Soap.operations/1 to get a list of available actions
  • params: Parameters to build the body of a SOAP request.
  • headers: Custom request headers.
  • opts: HTTPoison options.


iex>, action, params)
{:ok, %Soap.Response{}}
Link to this function

init_model(path, type \\ :file, opts \\ [])

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init_model(String.t(), :file | :url, list()) :: {:ok, map()}

Initialization of a WSDL model. Response a map of parsed data from file. Returns {:ok, wsdl}.


  • path: Path for wsdl file.
  • type: Atom that represents the type of path for WSDL file. Can be :file or url. Default: :file.
  • endpoint: Endpoint to be used for the request. Defaults to the endpoint specified in the WSDL file. Useful for (e.g.) sending a request to a mock server during testing.
  • opts: any options for HTTPoison.Request and the following parsing options:
    • :soap_version - Specifies SOAP version for parsing.
    • :allow_empty_soap_actions - Allows SOAP operations with an empty soapAction attribute. This may be required for APIs that do not set a soapAction for each operation.
    • :skip_type_imports - Prevents fetching external XSDs for importing types.


iex> {:ok, wsdl} = Soap.init_model("", :url)
{:ok, %{...}}


operations(map()) :: [String.t(), ...]

Returns a list of available actions of the passed WSDL.



iex> {:ok, wsdl} = Soap.init_model("", :url)
iex> Soap.operations(wsdl)
["SendMessage", "SendMessageMultipleRecipients"]