View Source Sobelow.Config (Sobelow v0.13.0)
Submodules contained within this vulnerability type are related to common insecurities found in how Phoenix applications are configured.
This can include things like missing headers, insecure cookies, and more.
If you wish to learn more about the specific vulnerabilities found within the Configuration category, you may run the following commands to find out more:
$ mix sobelow -d Config.CSP
$ mix sobelow -d Config.CSRF
$ mix sobelow -d Config.CSRFRoute
$ mix sobelow -d Config.CSWH
$ mix sobelow -d Config.Headers
$ mix sobelow -d Config.Secrets
$ mix sobelow -d Config.HTTPS
$ mix sobelow -d Config.HSTS
Configuration checks of all types can be ignored with the following command:
$ mix sobelow -i Config