View Source Spandex.Plug.StartTrace (Spandex v3.2.0)

Starts a trace, skipping ignored routes or methods. Store info in Conn assigns if we actually trace the request.

Link to this section Summary


Callback implementation for

Accepts and validates opts for the plug, and underlying tracer.

Link to this section Functions

@spec call(conn :: Plug.Conn.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Callback implementation for

@spec init(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Keyword.t()

Accepts and validates opts for the plug, and underlying tracer.



  • tracer(:atom) Required: The tracing module to be used to start the trace.
  • ignored_methods({:list, :string}): A list of strings representing methods to ignore. A good example would be ["OPTIONS"] - Default: []
  • ignored_routes({:list, [:regex, :string]}): A list of strings or regexes. If it is a string, it must match exactly. - Default: []
  • tracer_opts(:keyword): Any opts to be passed to the tracer when starting or continuing the trace. - Default: []
  • span_name(:string): The name to be used for the top level span. - Default: "request"