View Source Spark.Dsl behaviour (spark v2.2.40)

The primary entry point for defining a DSL.

To define a DSL, add use Spark.Dsl, ...options. The options supported with use Spark.Dsl are:

  • :single_extension_kinds (list of atom/0) - The extension kinds that are allowed to have a single value. For example: [:data_layer] The default value is [].

  • :many_extension_kinds (list of atom/0) - The extension kinds that can have multiple values. e.g [notifiers: [Notifier1, Notifier2]] The default value is [].

  • :untyped_extensions? (boolean/0) - Whether or not to support an extensions key which contains untyped extensions The default value is true.

  • :extension_kind_types (keyword/0) - A keyword list of extension kinds and their types, e.g [authorizers: {:list, {:behaviour, Ash.Authorizer}}] The default value is [].

  • :extension_kind_docs (keyword/0) - A keyword list of extension kinds and a short documentation snippet to be used when autocompleting that option The default value is [].

  • :default_extensions (keyword/0) - The extensions that are included by default. e.g [data_layer: Default, notifiers: [Notifier1]] Default values for single extension kinds are overwritten if specified by the implementor, while many extension kinds are appended to if specified by the implementor. The default value is [].

  • :opt_schema (keyword/0) - A schema for additional options to accept when calling use YourSpark The default value is [].

  • :opts_to_document - A list of atom/0 or :all. Spark automatically detects options and documents them in @moduledoc. You can instruct Spark to use only a subset of options, e.g. opts_to_document: [:fragments]. The default value is :all.

See the callbacks defined in this module to augment the behavior/compilation of the module getting a Dsl.

Schemas/Data Types

For more information, see Spark.Options.



Validate/add options. Those options will be passed to handle_opts and handle_before_compile

Handle options in the context of the module, after all extensions have been processed. Must return a quote block.

Handle options in the context of the module. Must return a quote block.

Validate/add options. Those options will be passed to handle_opts and handle_before_compile

A callback that is called in the after_verify hook. Only runs on versions of Elixir >= 1.14.0



@type entity() :: %Spark.Dsl.Entity{
  args: term(),
  auto_set_fields: term(),
  deprecations: term(),
  describe: term(),
  docs: term(),
  entities: term(),
  examples: term(),
  hide: term(),
  identifier: term(),
  imports: term(),
  links: term(),
  modules: term(),
  name: term(),
  no_depend_modules: term(),
  recursive_as: term(),
  schema: term(),
  singleton_entity_keys: term(),
  snippet: term(),
  target: term(),
  transform: term()


@type opts() :: keyword()


@type section() :: %Spark.Dsl.Section{
  auto_set_fields: term(),
  deprecations: term(),
  describe: term(),
  docs: term(),
  entities: term(),
  examples: term(),
  imports: term(),
  links: term(),
  modules: term(),
  name: term(),
  no_depend_modules: term(),
  patchable?: term(),
  schema: term(),
  sections: term(),
  snippet: term(),
  top_level?: term()


@type t() :: map()


explain(t, opts)

@callback explain(t(), opts()) :: String.t() | nil

Validate/add options. Those options will be passed to handle_opts and handle_before_compile


@callback handle_before_compile(keyword()) :: Macro.t()

Handle options in the context of the module, after all extensions have been processed. Must return a quote block.


@callback handle_opts(keyword()) :: Macro.t()

Handle options in the context of the module. Must return a quote block.

If you want to persist anything in the DSL persistence layer, use @persist {:key, value}. It can be called multiple times to persist multiple times.


@callback init(opts()) :: {:ok, opts()} | {:error, String.t() | term()}

Validate/add options. Those options will be passed to handle_opts and handle_before_compile

verify(module, keyword)

@callback verify(
) :: term()

A callback that is called in the after_verify hook. Only runs on versions of Elixir >= 1.14.0


handle_fragments(dsl_config, fragments)

is?(module, type)