View Source Spark.Dsl.Extension behaviour (spark v2.2.45)

An extension to the Spark DSL.

This allows configuring custom DSL components, whose configurations can then be read back. This guide is still a work in progress, but should serve as a decent example of what is possible. Open issues on Github if you have any issues/something is unclear.

The example at the bottom shows how you might build a (not very contextually relevant) DSL extension that would be used like so:

defmodule MyApp.Vehicle do
  use Spark.Dsl

defmodule MyApp.MyResource do
  use MyApp.Vehicle,
    extensions: [MyApp.CarExtension]

  cars do
    car :ford, :focus, trim: :sedan
    car :toyota, :corolla

The extension:

defmodule MyApp.CarExtension do
  @car_schema [
    make: [
      type: :atom,
      required: true,
      doc: "The make of the car"
    model: [
      type: :atom,
      required: true,
      doc: "The model of the car"
    type: [
      type: :atom,
      required: true,
      doc: "The type of the car",
      default: :sedan

  @car %Spark.Dsl.Entity{
    name: :car,
    describe: "Adds a car",
    examples: [
      "car :ford, :focus"
    target: MyApp.Car,
    args: [:make, :model],
    schema: @car_schema

  @cars %Spark.Dsl.Section{
    name: :cars, # The DSL constructor will be `cars`
    describe: """
    Configure what cars are available.

    More, deeper explanation. Always have a short one liner explanation,
    an empty line, and then a longer explanation.
    entities: [
      @car # See `Spark.Dsl.Entity` docs
    schema: [
      default_manufacturer: [
        type: :atom,
        doc: "The default manufacturer"

  use Spark.Dsl.Extension, sections: [@cars]

Often, we will need to do complex validation/validate based on the configuration of other resources. Due to the nature of building compile time DSLs, there are many restrictions around that process. To support these complex use cases, extensions can include transformers which can validate/transform the DSL state after all basic sections/entities have been created. See Spark.Dsl.Transformer for more information. Transformers are provided as an option to use, like so:

use Spark.Dsl.Extension, sections: [@cars], transformers: [

By default, the generated modules will have names like __MODULE__.SectionName.EntityName, and that could potentially conflict with modules you are defining, so you can specify the module_prefix option, which would allow you to prefix the modules with something like __MODULE__.Dsl, so that the module path generated might be something like __MODULE__.Dsl.SectionName.EntityName, and you could then have the entity struct be __MODULE__.SectionName.EntityName without conflicts.

To expose the configuration of your DSL, define functions that use the helpers like get_entities/2 and get_opt/3. For example:

defmodule MyApp.Cars do
  def cars(resource) do
    Spark.Dsl.Extension.get_entities(resource, [:cars])
# [%MyApp.Car{...}, %MyApp.Car{...}]

See the documentation for Spark.Dsl.Section and Spark.Dsl.Entity for more information




@type t() :: module()



@callback add_extensions() :: [module()]


@callback explain(map()) :: String.t() | nil


@callback module_imports() :: [module()]


@callback persisters() :: [module()]


@callback sections() :: [Spark.Dsl.section()]


@callback transformers() :: [module()]


@callback verifiers() :: [module()]


doc(sections, depth \\ 1)

See Spark.CheatSheet.doc/2.

doc_index(sections, depth \\ 1)

See Spark.CheatSheet.doc_index/2.

expand_alias(ast, env)

expand_alias_no_require(ast, env)

expand_literals(ast, acc, fun)

fetch_opt(resource, path, value, configurable? \\ false)

fetch_persisted(map, key)

Fetch a value that was persisted while transforming or compiling the resource, e.g :primary_key

get_entities(map, path)

Get the entities configured for a given section

get_entity_dsl_patches(extensions, section_path)

get_opt(resource, path, value, default \\ nil, configurable? \\ false)

Get an option value for a section at a given path.

Checks to see if it has been overridden via configuration.

get_opt_config(resource, path, value)

get_persisted(resource, key, default \\ nil)

Get a value that was persisted while transforming or compiling the resource, e.g :primary_key

get_recursive_entities_for_path(sections, list)



run_transformers(mod, transformers, spark_dsl_config, env)

shuffle_opts_to_end(keyword, entity_args, schema, entities, opts)
