View Source Spark.InfoGenerator (spark v2.2.37)

Used to dynamically generate configuration functions for Spark extensions based on their DSL.


defmodule MyConfig do
  use Spark.InfoGenerator, extension: MyDslExtension, sections: [:my_section]



Given an extension and a list of DSL sections generate individual config functions for each option.

Given an extension and a list of DSL sections, generate an entities function which returns a list of entities.

Given an extension and a list of DSL sections, generate an options function which returns a map of all configured options for a resource (including defaults).


@type options() :: [extension: module(), sections: [atom()]]


Link to this macro

generate_config_functions(extension, sections)

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@spec generate_config_functions(module(), [atom()]) :: Macro.t()

Given an extension and a list of DSL sections generate individual config functions for each option.

Link to this macro

generate_entity_functions(extension, sections)

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@spec generate_entity_functions(module(), [atom()]) :: Macro.t()

Given an extension and a list of DSL sections, generate an entities function which returns a list of entities.

Link to this macro

generate_options_functions(extension, sections)

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@spec generate_options_functions(module(), [atom()]) :: Macro.t()

Given an extension and a list of DSL sections, generate an options function which returns a map of all configured options for a resource (including defaults).

Link to this function

spec_for_type(terminal, opts)

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