pub fn callback(
ctx: Context,
callback_fn: fn() -> Nil,
deps: List(Dynamic),
cb: fn(Context, fn() -> Nil) -> #(a, Element),
) -> #(a, Element)
Callback Hook
Creates a callback hook that will return a cached version of a given callback function and only recompute the callback when specified dependencies change.
This hook is useful for when a component needs to use a callback function that is referenced as a dependency by another hook, such as an effect hook.
pub fn client(
ctx: Context,
name: String,
handle_event: Option(
fn(String, Option(Dynamic), fn(String, Option(String)) -> Nil) ->
cb: fn(
fn() -> Attribute,
fn(String, Option(String)) -> Nil,
) -> #(Context, Element),
) -> #(Context, Element)
Client Hook
Creates a client hook that can be used to facilitate communication with a client (such as a web browser). The client hook functionality is defined by the client and is typically used to send or receive messages to/from the client.
pub fn client_hook(id: Unique(HookId), name: String) -> Attribute
Client hook attribute that can be used to reference a client hook by its id.
pub fn effect(
ctx: Context,
effect_fn: fn() -> Option(fn() -> Nil),
deps: List(Dynamic),
cb: fn(Context) -> #(Context, Element),
) -> #(Context, Element)
Effect Hook
Creates an effect hook that will run the given effect function when the deps change. The effect function is memoized and recomputed when the deps change. The effect function can return a cleanup function that will be called when the effect is removed.
pub fn memo(
ctx: Context,
memo_fn: fn() -> a,
deps: List(Dynamic),
cb: fn(Context, a) -> #(Context, Element),
) -> #(Context, Element)
Memo Hook
Creates a memo hook that can be used to memoize the result of a function. The memo hook will return the result of the function and will only recompute the result when the dependencies change.
This hook is useful for optimizing performance by memoizing the result of an expensive function between renders.
pub fn provider(
ctx: Context,
key: String,
cb: fn(Context, Option(a)) -> #(Context, Element),
) -> #(Context, Element)
Provider Hook
Creates a provider hook that allows a component to access data from a parent or ancestor component.
The provider hook will return the current value provided from an ancestor with the given key. The
ancestor provides the value by using the provider
element from the sprocket/context
This hook is conceptually the same as the useContext
hook in React.
pub fn reducer(
ctx: Context,
initial: #(a, List(fn(fn(b) -> Nil) -> Nil)),
update: fn(a, b) -> #(a, List(fn(fn(b) -> Nil) -> Nil)),
cb: fn(Context, a, fn(b) -> Nil) -> #(Context, Element),
) -> #(Context, Element)
Reducer Hook
Creates a reducer hook that can be used to manage state. The reducer hook will return the current state of the reducer and a dispatch function that can be used to update the reducer’s state. Dispatching a message to the reducer will result in a re-render of the component.
pub fn state(
ctx: Context,
initial: a,
cb: fn(Context, a, fn(a) -> Nil) -> #(Context, Element),
) -> #(Context, Element)
State Hook
Creates a state hook that can be used to manage state. The state hook will return the current state and a setter function that can be used to update the state. Setting the state will result in a re-render of the component.