View Source Sqids behaviour (sqids v0.2.1)
Sqids API
âšī¸ Check out the docs entry page on how to make
easier to use by not passing the context on every encode/decode call, through either:
- creation of context at compile time under a module attribute,
- or the
use Sqids
macro to generate functions that retrieve context transparently.
Returns Supervisor child spec for callback module.
Decodes an id
into zero or more numbers
according to sqids
's alphabet.
Tries to encode zero or more numbers
into as an id
, according to
's alphabet, blocklist, and minimum length. Returns an error
Encodes zero or more numbers
into an id
, according to sqids
's alphabet,
blocklist, and minimum length. Raises in case of error.
Creates a context used for both encoding and decoding.
@type enumerable(t) :: Enumerable.t(t)
Wrapper type for Elixir 1.13 or older
@type opts() :: [ alphabet: String.t(), min_length: non_neg_integer(), blocklist: enumerable(String.t()) ]
Opts for new/1
@opaque t()
Context for Sqids
@callback child_spec() :: Supervisor.child_spec()
Returns Supervisor child spec for callback module.
@spec decode!(sqids, id) :: numbers when sqids: t(), id: String.t(), numbers: [non_neg_integer()]
Decodes an id
into zero or more numbers
according to sqids
's alphabet.
Like in the reference implementation,
the presence of unknown characters within id
will result in an empty list
being returned.
@spec encode(sqids, numbers) :: {:ok, id} | {:error, term()} when sqids: t(), numbers: enumerable(non_neg_integer()), id: String.t()
Tries to encode zero or more numbers
into as an id
, according to
's alphabet, blocklist, and minimum length. Returns an error
@spec encode!(sqids, numbers) :: id when sqids: t(), numbers: enumerable(non_neg_integer()), id: String.t()
Encodes zero or more numbers
into an id
, according to sqids
's alphabet,
blocklist, and minimum length. Raises in case of error.
Creates a context used for both encoding and decoding.
Can receive a list of zero or more opts/0
: a case and order -sensitive string containing the chars of which generated IDs will be made of;min_length
: the minimum length of your generated IDs (padding added if needed);blocklist
: an enumerable collection of strings which shouldn't appear in generated IDs.
Returns error if any of the opts/0
is invalid.