

pub type ErlangFileName {


  • ErlangFileName(String)
pub type ErlangLineNumber {


  • ErlangLineNumber(Int)
pub type ErlangModuleName {


  • ErlangModuleName(String)
pub type FunctionArity {


  • FunctionArity(Int)
pub type FunctionName {


  • FunctionName(String)
pub type StackFrame {
    index: StackIndex,
    erlang_module_name: ErlangModuleName,
    function_name: FunctionName,
    function_arity: FunctionArity,
    erlang_file_name: ErlangFileName,
    erlang_line_number: ErlangLineNumber,


  • StackFrame(
      index: StackIndex,
      erlang_module_name: ErlangModuleName,
      function_name: FunctionName,
      function_arity: FunctionArity,
      erlang_file_name: ErlangFileName,
      erlang_line_number: ErlangLineNumber,
pub type StackIndex {


  • StackIndex(Int)
pub type StackTrace {


  • StackTrace(List(StackFrame))


pub fn erlang_file_name(stack_frame: StackFrame) -> String

Gets the erlang file name of the stack frame.

pub fn erlang_line_number(stack_frame: StackFrame) -> Int

Gets the ang erlline number of the stack frame.

pub fn erlang_module_name(stack_frame: StackFrame) -> String

Gets the erlang module name of the stack frame.

pub fn frame(stack_trace: StackTrace, index: Int) -> StackFrame

Gets the stack frame at the given 0-based list index where 0 is the last stack frame and 1 is the second-to-last stack frame and size(stack_trace) - 1 is the first stack frame.

The StackFrame itself has an inverse index field that represents the index of the frame within the stack. see frame_by_stack_index.

pub fn frame_by_stack_index(
  stack_trace: StackTrace,
  index: Int,
) -> StackFrame

Gets the stack frame at the given 1-based stack index, where 1 is the first stack frame, 2 is the second stack frame, and size(stack_trace) is the last stack frame.

pub fn frame_to_string(stack_frame: StackFrame) -> String

Converts a stack frame to a string.

pub fn function_arity(stack_frame: StackFrame) -> Int

Gets the function arity of the stack frame.

pub fn function_name(stack_frame: StackFrame) -> String

Gets the function name of the stack frame.

pub fn main() -> Nil

This is a library and the main function exists as a placeholder if called as a function from the command line.

pub fn print_frame(stack_frame: StackFrame) -> Nil

Print a stack frame.

pub fn print_frame_with(
  stack_frame: StackFrame,
  context c: a,
) -> Nil

Print a stack frame with context.

pub fn print_trace(stack_trace: StackTrace) -> Nil

Print a stack trace.

pub fn print_trace_with(
  stack_trace: StackTrace,
  context c: a,
) -> Nil

Print a stack trace with context.

pub fn qualified_module_name(stack_frame: StackFrame) -> String

Gets the qualified module name from the erlang stack frame.

In case the module name contains @ (but no @@), those will be replaced with / to form a qualified module name.

pub fn size(stack_trace: StackTrace) -> Int

Calculates the stack trace size.

pub fn stack_index(stack_frame: StackFrame) -> Int

Gets the stack index within its parent stack frame.

pub fn trace() -> StackTrace

Gets the stack trace of the current process.

pub fn trace_to_string(stack_frame: StackTrace) -> String

Converts a stack trace to a string.

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