pub type Cloud {
domain: String,
port: Int,
path: String,
register_procedure: String,
protocol: String,
Cloud( domain: String, port: Int, path: String, register_procedure: String, protocol: String, )
pub type Enclosure {
Enclosure(url: String, length: Int, enclosure_type: String)
Enclosure(url: String, length: Int, enclosure_type: String)
pub type Image {
url: String,
title: String,
link: String,
description: Option(String),
width: Option(Int),
height: Option(Int),
Image( url: String, title: String, link: String, description: Option(String), width: Option(Int), height: Option(Int), )
pub type JsonAttachment {
url: String,
mime_type: String,
title: String,
size_in_bytes: Option(Int),
duration_in_seconds: Option(Int),
JsonAttachment( url: String, mime_type: String, title: String, size_in_bytes: Option(Int), duration_in_seconds: Option(Int), )
pub type JsonAuthor {
JsonAuthor(name: String, url: String, avatar: Option(String))
JsonAuthor(name: String, url: String, avatar: Option(String))
pub type JsonFeed {
version: String,
title: String,
home_page_url: Option(String),
feed_url: Option(String),
description: Option(String),
user_comment: Option(String),
next_url: Option(String),
icon: Option(String),
favicon: Option(String),
authors: List(JsonAuthor),
language: Option(String),
expired: Option(Bool),
items: List(JsonItem),
JsonFeed( version: String, title: String, home_page_url: Option(String), feed_url: Option(String), description: Option(String), user_comment: Option(String), next_url: Option(String), icon: Option(String), favicon: Option(String), authors: List(JsonAuthor), language: Option(String), expired: Option(Bool), items: List(JsonItem), )
pub type JsonItem {
id: String,
url: String,
external_url: Option(String),
title: String,
content_html: Option(String),
content_text: Option(String),
summary: Option(String),
image: Option(String),
banner_image: Option(String),
date_published: Option(Time),
date_modified: Option(Time),
authors: List(JsonAuthor),
tags: List(String),
language: Option(String),
attachments: List(JsonAttachment),
JsonItem( id: String, url: String, external_url: Option(String), title: String, content_html: Option(String), content_text: Option(String), summary: Option(String), image: Option(String), banner_image: Option(String), date_published: Option(Time), date_modified: Option(Time), authors: List(JsonAuthor), tags: List(String), language: Option(String), attachments: List(JsonAttachment), )
Link of an Rss Channel
pub type Link {
href: String,
rel: String,
link_type: String,
length: String,
Link( href: String, rel: String, link_type: String, length: String, )
RSS 2.0. Compliant Spec
pub type RssChannel {
title: String,
link: String,
description: String,
language: Option(String),
copyright: Option(String),
managing_editor: Option(String),
web_master: Option(String),
pub_date: Option(Time),
last_build_date: Option(Time),
categories: List(String),
generator: Option(String),
docs: Option(String),
cloud: Option(Cloud),
ttl: Option(Int),
image: Option(Image),
text_input: Option(TextInput),
skip_hours: List(Int),
skip_days: List(birl.Weekday),
items: List(RssItem),
RssChannel( title: String, link: String, description: String, language: Option(String), copyright: Option(String), managing_editor: Option(String), web_master: Option(String), pub_date: Option(Time), last_build_date: Option(Time), categories: List(String), generator: Option(String), docs: Option(String), cloud: Option(Cloud), ttl: Option(Int), image: Option(Image), text_input: Option(TextInput), skip_hours: List(Int), skip_days: List(birl.Weekday), items: List(RssItem), )
Publication Date of the content in RFC 822 Date-time format
pub type RssItem {
title: String,
description: String,
link: Option(String),
author: Option(String),
source: Option(String),
comments: Option(String),
pub_date: Option(Time),
categories: List(String),
enclosure: Option(Enclosure),
guid: Option(#(String, Option(Bool))),
RssItem( title: String, description: String, link: Option(String), author: Option(String), source: Option(String), comments: Option(String), pub_date: Option(Time), categories: List(String), enclosure: Option(Enclosure), guid: Option(#(String, Option(Bool))), )
pub fn add_channel_categories(
channel: RssChannel,
categories: List(String),
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_category(
channel: RssChannel,
category: String,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_cloud(
channel: RssChannel,
cloud: Cloud,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_copyright(
channel: RssChannel,
copyright: String,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_docs(channel: RssChannel) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_generator(
channel: RssChannel,
generator: String,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_image(
channel: RssChannel,
image: Image,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_item(
channel: RssChannel,
item: RssItem,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_items(
channel: RssChannel,
items: List(RssItem),
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_language(
channel: RssChannel,
language: String,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_last_build_date(
channel: RssChannel,
last_build_date: Time,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_managing_editor(
channel: RssChannel,
managing_editor: String,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_pub_date(
channel: RssChannel,
pub_date: Time,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_skip_days(
channel: RssChannel,
skip_days: List(Weekday),
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_skip_hours(
channel: RssChannel,
skip_hours: List(Int),
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_text_input(
channel: RssChannel,
text_input: TextInput,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_ttl(
channel: RssChannel,
ttl: Int,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_channel_web_master(
channel: RssChannel,
web_master: String,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn add_item_author(item: RssItem, author: String) -> RssItem
pub fn add_item_categories(
item: RssItem,
categories: List(String),
) -> RssItem
pub fn add_item_comments(
item: RssItem,
comments: String,
) -> RssItem
pub fn add_item_enclosure(
item: RssItem,
enclosure: Enclosure,
) -> RssItem
pub fn add_item_guid(
item: RssItem,
guid: #(String, Option(Bool)),
) -> RssItem
pub fn add_item_link(item: RssItem, link: String) -> RssItem
pub fn add_item_pub_date(
item: RssItem,
pub_date: Time,
) -> RssItem
pub fn add_item_source(item: RssItem, source: String) -> RssItem
pub fn add_json_item_attachment(
item: JsonItem,
attachment: JsonAttachment,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_attachments(
item: JsonItem,
attachments: List(JsonAttachment),
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_author(
item: JsonItem,
author: JsonAuthor,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_authors(
item: JsonItem,
authors: List(JsonAuthor),
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_banner_image(
item: JsonItem,
banner_image: String,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_content_html(
item: JsonItem,
content_html: String,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_content_text(
item: JsonItem,
content_text: String,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_date_modified(
item: JsonItem,
date_modified: Time,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_date_published(
item: JsonItem,
date_published: Time,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_external_url(
item: JsonItem,
external_url: String,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_image(
item: JsonItem,
image: String,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_language(
item: JsonItem,
language: String,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_summary(
item: JsonItem,
summary: String,
) -> JsonItem
pub fn add_json_item_tags(
item: JsonItem,
tags: List(String),
) -> JsonItem
pub fn json_feed_to_string(feed: JsonFeed) -> String
pub fn rss_channel(
title: String,
description: String,
link: String,
) -> RssChannel
pub fn rss_channel_to_xml_string(channel: RssChannel) -> String
pub fn rss_item_to_xml_string(item: RssItem) -> String
pub fn to_xml_string(channels: List(RssChannel)) -> String