steemex v0.14.3 Steemex.DatabaseApi
Module containing all default database_api functions
Link to this section Summary
Get account count Example response: 25290
Returns account operations history Example response:
[[7817, %{"block" => 3107388, "id" => "2.17.1197661", "op" => ["vote", %{"author" => "vik", "permlink" => "dostupnyi-javascript-na-prikladnom-primere-sozdaniya-stranicy-saita-s-deistviyami-polzovatelei-golosa-v-realnom-vremeni", "voter" => "ontofractal", "weight" => 10000}], "op_in_trx" => 0, "timestamp" => "2017-02-03T12:36:06", "trx_id" => "dc866b17ba80fa0ca0fe283ca19ebea9193987bc", "trx_in_block" => 0, "virtual_op" => 0}], [7816, %{"block" => 3107390, "id" => "2.17.1197663", "op" => ["vote", %{"author" => "pro.bitcoin", "permlink" => "podkast-pro-bitkoin-samye-glavnye-novosti-iz-mira-kriptovalyut-vypusk-27", "voter" => "ontofractal", "weight" => 10000}], "op_in_trx" => 0, "timestamp" => "2017-02-03T12:36:12", "trx_id" => "a7ce75dcd43641edd498d77bb4a938c9cdeb7405", "trx_in_block" => 0, "virtual_op" => 0}]]
Get all account votes
Returns account data. Accepts a list of up to 1000 account names
Get active votes on the given content. Accepts author and permlink
Get active witnesses
Returns block data, accepts block height
Returns block header data. Accepts block height
Get categories. Accepts wanted metric, after_category, limit. Example result:
"accounts" => ...,
"categories" => ...,
"category_idx" => ...,
"discussion_idx" => ...,
"error" => ...,
"feed_price" => ...,
"pow_queue" => ...,
"props" => ...,
"witness_schedule" => ...,
"current_virtual_time" => ...,
"id" => ...,
"majority_version" => ...,
"median_props" => ...,
"next_shuffle_block_num" => ...,
"witnesses" => ... }
Unsurprisingly returns a map with chain propeties. Example result:
%{"account_creation_fee" => "1.000 GOLOS", "maximum_block_size" => 131072, "sbd_interest_rate" => 1000}
Returns node client config
Returns content data, accepts author and permlink
Returns a list of replies to the given content, accepts author and permlink
Gets current GBG to GOLOS conversion requests for given account. Example result:
[%{"amount" => "100.000 GBG", "conversion_date" => "2017-02-17T18:59:42",
"id" => "2.15.696", "owner" => "ontofractal", "requestid" => 1486753166}]
Returns current median history price. Example response:
%{"base" => "1.000 GBG", "quote" => "0.559 GOLOS"}
Get discussions by the wanted metric. Accepts a metric atom and a map with a following query params: %{tag: String.t
, limit: integer
ContentResult has the same shape as a result returned by get_content.
Example result:
[ContentResult, ContentResult, ...]
If start_permlink is empty then only before_date will be considered. If both are specified the earlier of the two metrics will be used.
before_date format is: 2017-02-07T14:34:11
Example response:
ContentResult has the same shape as a result returned by get_content.
Example result:
[ContentResult, ContentResult, …]
Unsurprisingly returns a map with dynamic global propeties. Example response
Returns feed history Example response:
%{"current_median_history" => %{"base" => "1.000 GBG",
"quote" => "0.559 GOLOS"}, "id" => "2.14.0",
"price_history" => [%{"base" => "1.379 GBG", "quote" => "1.000 GOLOS"},
%{"base" => "1.379 GBG", "quote" => "1.000 GOLOS"},
%{"base" => "1.379 GBG", "quote" => "1.000 GOLOS"},
%{"base" => "1.000 GBG", ...}, %{...}, ...]}
Get followers. Accepts account, starting follower, follow type (blog, ignore), limit of results. Returns followers in ascending alphabetical order
Get followings. Accepts account, starting following, follow type (blog, ignore), limit of results. Returns followings in ascending alphabetical order
Gets hardfork version
Get miner queue
Get next scheduled hardfork time
Returns open orders for the given account name
Returns order book
Returns past owner authorities that are valid for account recovery. Doesn’t seem to work at this moment.
Get state for the provided path. Example result:
"accounts" => ...,
"categories" => ...,
"category_idx" => ...,
"content" => ...,
"current_route" => ...,
"discussion_idx" => ...,
"error" => ...,
"feed_price" => ...,
"pow_queue" => ...,
"props" => ...,
"witness_schedule" => ...,
"witnesses" => ... }
Get trending tags
Get witness count
Returns witness schedule
Get witnesses by ids
Get witnesses by votes. Example response is the same as get_witnesses
Returns list of maps of account data
Lookup accounts Example response:
["razumnica", "razumova-l", "razvanelulmarin", "razved1", "razzewille", "rbaron", "rbc", "rbi", "rbrown", "rbur93"]
Lookup witness accounts
Link to this section Functions
Get account count Example response: 25290
Returns account operations history Example response:
[[7817, %{"block" => 3107388, "id" => "2.17.1197661", "op" => ["vote", %{"author" => "vik", "permlink" => "dostupnyi-javascript-na-prikladnom-primere-sozdaniya-stranicy-saita-s-deistviyami-polzovatelei-golosa-v-realnom-vremeni", "voter" => "ontofractal", "weight" => 10000}], "op_in_trx" => 0, "timestamp" => "2017-02-03T12:36:06", "trx_id" => "dc866b17ba80fa0ca0fe283ca19ebea9193987bc", "trx_in_block" => 0, "virtual_op" => 0}], [7816, %{"block" => 3107390, "id" => "2.17.1197663", "op" => ["vote", %{"author" => "pro.bitcoin", "permlink" => "podkast-pro-bitkoin-samye-glavnye-novosti-iz-mira-kriptovalyut-vypusk-27", "voter" => "ontofractal", "weight" => 10000}], "op_in_trx" => 0, "timestamp" => "2017-02-03T12:36:12", "trx_id" => "a7ce75dcd43641edd498d77bb4a938c9cdeb7405", "trx_in_block" => 0, "virtual_op" => 0}]]
Get all account votes
Example response:
[%{"authorperm" => "rusldv/programmiruem-na-php-vvedenie", "percent" => 10000,
"rshares" => 130036223, "time" => "2017-01-26T20:06:03", "weight" => 0},
%{...}, ...] ```
Returns account data. Accepts a list of up to 1000 account names
Example response:
[%{"recovery_account" => "cyberfounder", "posting_rewards" => 6041772,
"created" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
"last_bandwidth_update" => "2017-02-03T07:44:33",
"to_withdraw" => "5358033161499672",
"last_active_proved" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "withdraw_routes" => 0,
"last_account_update" => "2016-11-04T21:28:45",
"sbd_last_interest_payment" => "2017-01-15T11:19:27",
"json_metadata" => "{"created_at":"GENESIS","ico_address":"1FNnNWE3m4rsMWTaX76A4bN1uK4biERdVn","user_image":""}",
"active_challenged" => false, "vesting_balance" => "0.000 GOLOS",
"last_vote_time" => "2017-02-03T07:44:33", "post_history" => [],
"blog_category" => %{}, "market_history" => [], "id" => "2.2.1993",
"vesting_shares" => "5405134010.995395 GESTS", "vote_history" => [],
"reset_account" => "null", "sbd_balance" => "12877.442 GBG",
"last_post" => "2017-02-03T07:42:09", "lifetime_vote_count" => 0,
"savings_sbd_last_interest_payment" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
"mined" => true, "owner_challenged" => false,
"vesting_withdraw_rate" => "51519549.629804 GESTS",
"active" => %{"account_auths" => [],
"key_auths" => [["GLS5vdTX6auUFyUwWEyzXAXhqo6LkCeCKAG2Tr9QaohRurcBouzHR",
1]], "weight_threshold" => 1}, "proxy" => "",
"posting" => %{"account_auths" => [],
"key_auths" => [["GLS574PtkDcrf5PE8QA8Uq1a4YLqer6vRT8WTgsxdYnx5LJDG7RCD",
1]], "weight_threshold" => 1}, "last_root_post" => "2017-02-02T13:37:45",
"savings_balance" => "0.000 GOLOS", "average_bandwidth" => 313586832,
"last_account_recovery" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
"next_vesting_withdrawal" => "2017-02-05T15:01:33", "can_vote" => true,
"owner" => %{"account_auths" => [],
"key_auths" => [["GLS6PturNHrX82R3b6ymKRksNWT9K3hPL377qGmgbwBn2W5zyZVtH",
1]], "weight_threshold" => 1},
"witness_votes" => ["aizensou", "aleksandraz", "arcange", "creator",
"dark.sun", "dervish0", "dr2073", "good-karma", "jesta", "kuna", "lehard",
...], "reputation" => "24178458603348", "post_count" => 615,
"last_owner_proved" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
"sbd_seconds_last_update" => "2017-02-03T06:17:15",
"memo_key" => "GLS8dEWEGYtZj8hvcm7NVZjQKy637F2UMUK9RMMJKW4TowPX7FWFS",
"name" => "hipster", "withdrawn" => "103039099259608",
"savings_withdraw_requests" => 0,
"reset_request_time" => "1969-12-31T23:59:59", "savings_sbd_seconds" => "0",
"last_owner_update" => "2016-10-18T11:19:12", ...},
Get active votes on the given content. Accepts author and permlink.
Example response:
[%{"percent" => 6900, "reputation" => "28759071217014",
"rshares" => "18897453242648", "time" => "2017-01-27T09:20:21",
"voter" => "hipster", "weight" => "51460692508758354"},
%{...}, ...] ```
Get active witnesses
Example response:
["primus", "litvintech", "yaski", "serejandmyself", "dark.sun", "phenom",
"hipster", "gtx-1080-sc-0048", "lehard", "aleksandraz", "dr2073", "smailer",
"on0tole", "roelandp", "arcange", "testz", "vitaly-lvov", "xtar", "anyx",
"kuna", "creator"]
Returns block data, accepts block height.
Example response:
%{"extensions" => [], "previous" => "0004cb2eff2f45b042e85563f76f24123b6dfdd2",
"timestamp" => "2016-10-29T09:23:33",
"transaction_merkle_root" => "8477010d8f8ade6f69744c6c28203f1b4a1690a2",
"transactions" => [%{"expiration" => "2016-10-29T09:23:42",
"extensions" => [],
"operations" => [["comment",
%{"author" => "kriptograf",
"body" => "@@ -187,16 +187,17 @@ %D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8 +%0A ( %D1%81%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%BC%D1%8B ",
"json_metadata" => "{"tags":["ru--kriptovalyuty"]}",
"parent_author" => "sept",
"parent_permlink" => "kak-kupit-bitkoin-s-minimalnoi-komissiei",
"permlink" => "re-sept-kak-kupit-bitkoin-s-minimalnoi-komissiei-20161029t091207449z",
"title" => ""}]], "ref_block_num" => 51994,
"ref_block_prefix" => 2572860361,
"signatures" => ["207fe62d3e6582819a24f5c2258a9d74f69ebab6c9a42b4d321fe08e559b4cd13b6486a429cb60176d40a5d46ee8b8e30b5c6c24d8facc2a7a779ade3f9139a470"]}],
"witness" => "misha",
"witness_signature" => "2047ea30c48247a67ff553986f221092d32985eea3e341d684f2d4c0aa09a0ec402582b06619fc5dc40192e2c311eeea3c}
Returns block header data. Accepts block height.
Example response:
%{"extensions" => [], "previous" => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"timestamp" => "2016-10-18T11:01:48",
"transaction_merkle_root" => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"witness" => "cyberfounder"}
Get categories. Accepts wanted metric, after_category, limit. Example result:
"accounts" => ...,
"categories" => ...,
"category_idx" => ...,
"discussion_idx" => ...,
"error" => ...,
"feed_price" => ...,
"pow_queue" => ...,
"props" => ...,
"witness_schedule" => ...,
"current_virtual_time" => ...,
"id" => ...,
"majority_version" => ...,
"median_props" => ...,
"next_shuffle_block_num" => ...,
"witnesses" => ... }
Unsurprisingly returns a map with chain propeties. Example result:
%{"account_creation_fee" => "1.000 GOLOS", "maximum_block_size" => 131072, "sbd_interest_rate" => 1000}
Returns node client config
Example response:
%{"STEEMIT_MINER_ACCOUNT" => "miners",
"STEEMIT_CURATE_APR_PERCENT" => 1937, "VESTS_SYMBOL" => "91621639407366",
"STEEMIT_FEED_INTERVAL_BLOCKS" => 1200, "STEEM_SYMBOL" => "91600047785731",
"STEEMIT_CONVERSION_DELAY" => "604800000000",
Returns content data, accepts author and permlink.
Example response:
%{"max_accepted_payout" => "1000000.000 GBG",
"title" => "[объявление] Краудсейл и Шэрдроп. Дистрибьюция",
"category" => "ru--kraudseijl", "promoted" => "0.000 GBG",
"last_update" => "2016-12-06T15:36:54", "created" => "2016-12-05T16:43:03",
"parent_permlink" => "ru--kraudseijl", "total_vote_weight" => 0,
"json_metadata" => "{"tags":["ru--kraudseijl","ru--shyerdrop","ru--golos"],"users":["golos","crowdsale","cyberdrop","misha","ether","bender","hipster","litvintech","vitaly-lvov"],"image":["","","","",""],"links":["",""]}",
"last_payout" => "2017-01-15T11:00:06",
"total_payout_value" => "2412.784 GBG", "allow_replies" => true,
"children_rshares2" => "0", "id" => "2.8.30160",
"pending_payout_value" => "0.000 GBG", "children" => 15, "replies" => [],
"body" => "...",
"active" => "2016-12-06T22:23:06", "net_rshares" => 0,
"author_rewards" => 10011558, "total_pending_payout_value" => "0.000 GBG",
"root_comment" => "2.8.30160", "max_cashout_time" => "1969-12-31T23:59:59",
"root_title" => "[объявление] Краудсейл и Шэрдроп. Дистрибьюция",
"allow_votes" => true, "percent_steem_dollars" => 10000,
"children_abs_rshares" => 0, "net_votes" => 90, "author" => "litvintech",
"curator_payout_value" => "112.100 GBG",
"permlink" => "obyavlenie-kraudseil-i-sherdrop-distribyuciya",
"url" => "/ru--kraudseijl/@litvintech/obyavlenie-kraudseil-i-sherdrop-distribyuciya",
"cashout_time" => "2017-02-14T11:00:06", "parent_author" => "",
"allow_curation_rewards" => true, "vote_rshares" => 0,
"reward_weight" => 10000,
"active_votes" => [%{"percent" => 1000, "reputation" => "15928643268388",
"rshares" => "1974529666496", "time" => "2016-12-05T17:02:39",
"voter" => "val", "weight" => "99631990926249375"}, %{...}, ...], "depth" => 0,
"mode" => "second_payout", "abs_rshares" => 0,
"author_reputation" => "22784203010137"}
Returns a list of replies to the given content, accepts author and permlink.
Example response:
[%{"max_accepted_payout" => "1000000.000 GBG", "title" => "",
"category" => "ru--kraudseijl", "promoted" => "0.000 GBG",
"last_update" => "2016-12-05T16:50:09",
"created" => "2016-12-05T16:50:09",
"parent_permlink" => "obyavlenie-kraudseil-i-sherdrop-distribyuciya",
"total_vote_weight" => 0,
"json_metadata" => "{"tags":["ru--kraudseijl"]}",
"last_payout" => "2017-01-15T11:00:06",
"total_payout_value" => "12.892 GBG", "allow_replies" => true,
"children_rshares2" => "0", "id" => "2.8.30165",
"pending_payout_value" => "0.000 GBG", "children" => 1,
"replies" => [],
"body" => "И он сказал поехали...",
"active" => "2016-12-06T01:57:24", "net_rshares" => 0,
"author_rewards" => 53499,
"total_pending_payout_value" => "0.000 GBG",
"root_comment" => "2.8.30160",
"max_cashout_time" => "1969-12-31T23:59:59",
"root_title" => "[объявление] Краудсейл и Шэрдроп. Дистрибьюция",
"allow_votes" => true, "percent_steem_dollars" => 10000,
"children_abs_rshares" => 0, "net_votes" => 6,
"author" => "dmilash", "curator_payout_value" => "4.296 GBG",
"permlink" => "re-litvintech-obyavlenie-kraudseil-i-sherdrop-distribyuciya-20161205t165002890z",
"url" => "/ru--kraudseijl/@litvintech/obyavlenie-kraudseil-i-sherdrop-distribyuciya#@dmilash/re-litvintech-obyavlenie-kraudseil-i-sherdrop-distribyuciya-20161205t165002890z",
"cashout_time" => "1969-12-31T23:59:59",
"parent_author" => "litvintech",
"allow_curation_rewards" => true, "vote_rshares" => 0,
"reward_weight" => 10000, "active_votes" => [], "depth" => 1,
"mode" => "second_payout", "abs_rshares" => 0,
"author_reputation" => "37110534901202"},
Gets current GBG to GOLOS conversion requests for given account. Example result:
[%{"amount" => "100.000 GBG", "conversion_date" => "2017-02-17T18:59:42",
"id" => "2.15.696", "owner" => "ontofractal", "requestid" => 1486753166}]
get_current_median_history_price() :: map()
Returns current median history price. Example response:
%{"base" => "1.000 GBG", "quote" => "0.559 GOLOS"}
Get discussions by the wanted metric. Accepts a metric atom and a map with a following query params: %{tag: String.t
, limit: integer
ContentResult has the same shape as a result returned by get_content.
Example result:
[ContentResult, ContentResult, ...]
If start_permlink is empty then only before_date will be considered. If both are specified the earlier of the two metrics will be used.
before_date format is: 2017-02-07T14:34:11
Example response:
ContentResult has the same shape as a result returned by get_content.
Example result:
[ContentResult, ContentResult, …]
Unsurprisingly returns a map with dynamic global propeties. Example response:
%{"average_block_size" => 416, "confidential_sbd_supply" => "0.000 GBG",
"confidential_supply" => "0.000 GOLOS", "current_aslot" => 3112003,
"current_reserve_ratio" => 20000, "current_sbd_supply" => "504154.519 GBG",
"current_supply" => "96227889.854 GOLOS", "current_witness" => "on0tole",
"head_block_id" => "002f68ff4d75004b06539669e77ce6f5967c2afa",
"head_block_number" => 3107071, "id" => "2.0.0",
"last_irreversible_block_num" => 3107056,
"max_virtual_bandwidth" => "5986734968066277376",
"maximum_block_size" => 65536, "num_pow_witnesses" => 97,
"participation_count" => 128,
"recent_slots_filled" => "340282366920938463463374607431768211455",
"sbd_interest_rate" => 1000, "sbd_print_rate" => 10000,
"time" => "2017-02-03T12:20:09", "total_pow" => 148587,
"total_reward_fund_steem" => "69239.698 GOLOS",
"total_reward_shares2" => "1030808747260116624181406420498",
"total_vesting_fund_steem" => "95566422.906 GOLOS",
"total_vesting_shares" => "448830750142.483827 GESTS",
"virtual_supply" => "96509712.230 GOLOS", "vote_regeneration_per_day" => 40}
Returns feed history Example response:
%{"current_median_history" => %{"base" => "1.000 GBG",
"quote" => "0.559 GOLOS"}, "id" => "2.14.0",
"price_history" => [%{"base" => "1.379 GBG", "quote" => "1.000 GOLOS"},
%{"base" => "1.379 GBG", "quote" => "1.000 GOLOS"},
%{"base" => "1.379 GBG", "quote" => "1.000 GOLOS"},
%{"base" => "1.000 GBG", ...}, %{...}, ...]}
Get followers. Accepts account, starting follower, follow type (blog, ignore), limit of results. Returns followers in ascending alphabetical order.
Example response:
%{"follower" => "aim", "following" => "academy",
"id" => "8.0.21098", "what" => ["blog"]},
%{"follower" => "aleco", "following" => "academy",
"id" => "8.0.20183", "what" => ["blog"]},
%{...}, ...] ```
Get followings. Accepts account, starting following, follow type (blog, ignore), limit of results. Returns followings in ascending alphabetical order.
Example response is the same as in get_followers.
Gets hardfork version
Example response: "0.14.0"
Get miner queue
Example response:
["gtx-1080-sc-0083", "gtx-1080-sc-0016", "gtx-1080-sc-0084", "gtx-1080-sc-0017",
"gtx-1080-sc-0085", "gtx-1080-sc-0018", "penguin-11", "gtx-1080-sc-0028",
"gtx-1080-sc-0023", "gtx-1080-sc-0080", ...]
Get next scheduled hardfork time
Example result: %{"hf_version" => "0.0.0", "live_time" => "2016-10-18T11:00:00"}
Returns open orders for the given account name.
Example response
%{ "created" => "2017-02-10T19:49:36",
"expiration" => "1969-12-31T23:59:59", "for_sale" => 6280,
"id" => "2.13.1890", "orderid" => 1486756162,
"real_price" => "2.00000000000000000", "rewarded" => false,
"sell_price" => %{"base" => "6.280 GBG",
"quote" => "3.140 GOLOS"}, "seller" => "ontofractal"},
Returns order book.
Example response
%{"asks" => [%{"created" => "2017-02-10T18:19:24",
"order_price" => %{"base" => "250.000 GOLOS",
"quote" => "555.975 GBG"},
"real_price" => "2.22389999999999999", "sbd" => 549152,
"steem" => 246932},...],
"bids" => [%{...}, ...]
Returns past owner authorities that are valid for account recovery. Doesn’t seem to work at this moment.
Get state for the provided path. Example result:
"accounts" => ...,
"categories" => ...,
"category_idx" => ...,
"content" => ...,
"current_route" => ...,
"discussion_idx" => ...,
"error" => ...,
"feed_price" => ...,
"pow_queue" => ...,
"props" => ...,
"witness_schedule" => ...,
"witnesses" => ... }
Get trending tags
Example result:
%{"comments" => 386, "id" => "5.4.29", "net_votes" => 16361,
"tag" => "golos", "top_posts" => 448,
"total_children_rshares2" => "263770002351940021381162037540",
"total_payout" => "1210679.260 GBG"},
%{"comments" => 0, "id" => "5.4.6338", "net_votes" => 59,
"tag" => "golos-io", "top_posts" => 1,
"total_children_rshares2" => "7597368466598778563409",
"total_payout" => "1533.724 GBG"},
%{"comments" => 1, "id" => "5.4.741", "net_votes" => 39,
"tag" => "golos-soft", "top_posts" => 2,
"total_children_rshares2" => "87745768291122276983586401",
"total_payout" => "12.812 GBG"},
Get witness count
Example response: 997
Returns witness schedule
Example response:
%{"current_shuffled_witnesses" => ["litrbooh", "gtx-1080-sc-0015",
"vitaly-lvov", "aleksandraz", "on0tole", "dark.sun", "jesta", "someguy123",
"pmartynov", "primus", "litvintech", "phenom", "hipster", "good-karma",
"arcange", "serejandmyself", "kuna", "dr2073", "lehard", "testz", "xtar"],
"current_virtual_time" => "2359603129137518468300462851", "id" => "2.7.0",
"majority_version" => "0.14.2",
"median_props" => %{"account_creation_fee" => "1.000 GOLOS",
"maximum_block_size" => 131072, "sbd_interest_rate" => 1000},
"next_shuffle_block_num" => 3108273}
Get witnesses by ids
Example response
[%{"created" => "2016-10-18T11:21:18",
"hardfork_time_vote" => "2016-10-18T11:00:00",
"hardfork_version_vote" => "0.0.0", "id" => "2.3.101",
"last_aslot" => 3323895, "last_confirmed_block_num" => 3318746,
"last_sbd_exchange_update" => "2017-02-09T06:10:33",
"last_work" => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"owner" => "hipster", "pow_worker" => 0,
"props" => %{"account_creation_fee" => "1.000 GOLOS",
"maximum_block_size" => 65536, "sbd_interest_rate" => 1000},
"running_version" => "0.14.2",
"sbd_exchange_rate" => %{"base" => "1.742 GBG",
"quote" => "1.000 GOLOS"},
"signing_key" => "GLS6oRsauXhqxhpXbK3dJzFBGEWVoX6BjVT5z8BwNzgV38DzFat9E",
"total_missed" => 10,
"url" => "",
"virtual_last_update" => "2363092957490310521961963807",
"virtual_position" => "186709431624610119071729411416709427966",
"virtual_scheduled_time" => "2363094451567901047152350987",
"votes" => "102787791122912956"},
%{...} ]
Get witnesses by votes. Example response is the same as get_witnesses.
Returns list of maps of account data.
Example response:
[%{"recovery_account" => "cyberfounder", "posting_rewards" => 83462628,
"created" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
"last_bandwidth_update" => "2017-02-03T11:57:06", "to_withdraw" => 0,
"last_active_proved" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "withdraw_routes" => 0,
"last_account_update" => "2017-01-21T11:34:30",
"sbd_last_interest_payment" => "2017-01-15T23:43:00",
"json_metadata" => "{"created_at":"GENESIS","ico_address":"1B9Khkti2bBPccSoNj6aiFCYhq5Rq5GAMb","user_image":""}",
"active_challenged" => false, "last_vote_time" => "2017-02-03T11:57:06",
"id" => "2.2.6836", "vesting_shares" => "386381769.644947 GESTS",
"reset_account" => "null", "sbd_balance" => "917.535 GBG",
"last_post" => "2017-02-02T19:11:57", "lifetime_vote_count" => 0,
"savings_sbd_last_interest_payment" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
"mined" => true, "owner_challenged" => false,
"vesting_withdraw_rate" => "0.000001 GESTS",
"active" => %{"account_auths" => [],
"key_auths" => [["GLS8NV2JNwtcTSCDSJDgr69PFueGTvnvGC2F8HPSyUxFWrnp9ATY6",
1]], "weight_threshold" => 1}, "proxy" => "",
"posting" => %{"account_auths" => [],
"key_auths" => [["GLS6qg3gEEkSz4i1T9WpjSxjFrVc6fNEps1QpvxsDCMATiaL5aRzx",
1]], "weight_threshold" => 1}, "last_root_post" => "2017-02-01T18:17:09",
"savings_balance" => "0.000 GOLOS", "average_bandwidth" => 308637164,
"last_account_recovery" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
"next_vesting_withdrawal" => "1969-12-31T23:59:59", "can_vote" => true,
"owner" => %{"account_auths" => [],
"key_auths" => [["GLS6Ms4HrGMCPsq3yoytJc8TEKuQb1Bk9HRxjUSa3wtyhnpA4fJZV",
1]], "weight_threshold" => 1}, "post_count" => 421,
"last_owner_proved" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
"sbd_seconds_last_update" => "2017-02-03T08:48:15",
"memo_key" => "GLS5frWAw3yukawhSEnQ7zK7N1LWM77JzjJvzAZx5JRMgPkoddXTv",
"name" => "ontofractal", "withdrawn" => 0, "savings_withdraw_requests" => 0,
"reset_request_time" => "1969-12-31T23:59:59", "savings_sbd_seconds" => "0",
"last_owner_update" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
"proxied_vsf_votes" => [0, 0, 0, 0], "sbd_seconds" => "4489659344784",
"savings_sbd_balance" => "0.000 GBG", "post_bandwidth" => 10000,
"curation_rewards" => 5484048,
"pending_reset_authority" => %{"account_auths" => [], "key_auths" => [],
...}, "witnesses_voted_for" => 10, "comment_count" => 0, ...}]
Lookup accounts Example response:
["razumnica", "razumova-l", "razvanelulmarin", "razved1", "razzewille", "rbaron", "rbc", "rbi", "rbrown", "rbur93"]
Lookup witness accounts
Example response:
["creator", "creatorgalaxy", "crypto", "cryptocat", "cyberfounder", "cybertech-01", "d00m", "dacom", "dance", "danet"]