View Source StellarBase.XDR.ClaimOfferAtomV0 (Elixir Stellar Base v0.16.0)

Representation of Stellar ClaimOfferAtomV0 type.

ClaimOfferAtomV0 is a ClaimOfferAtom with the AccountID discriminant stripped off, leaving a raw ed25519 public key to identify the source account. This is used for backwards compatibility starting from the protocol 17/18 boundary. If an "old-style" ClaimOfferAtom is parsed with this XDR definition, it will be parsed as a "new-style" ClaimAtom containing a ClaimOfferAtomV0.



@type t() :: %StellarBase.XDR.ClaimOfferAtomV0{
  amount_bought: StellarBase.XDR.Int64.t(),
  amount_sold: StellarBase.XDR.Int64.t(),
  asset_bought: StellarBase.XDR.Asset.t(),
  asset_sold: StellarBase.XDR.Asset.t(),
  offer_id: StellarBase.XDR.Int64.t(),
  seller_ed25519: StellarBase.XDR.UInt256.t()


Link to this function

new(seller_ed25519, offer_id, asset_sold, amount_sold, asset_bought, amount_bought)

View Source
@spec new(
  seller_ed25519 :: StellarBase.XDR.UInt256.t(),
  offer_id :: StellarBase.XDR.Int64.t(),
  asset_sold :: StellarBase.XDR.Asset.t(),
  amount_sold :: StellarBase.XDR.Int64.t(),
  asset_bought :: StellarBase.XDR.Asset.t(),
  amount_bought :: StellarBase.XDR.Int64.t()
) :: t()