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stellar_base is an Elixir library that provides a complete set of functions to read, write, hash, and sign XDR constructs used in stellar-core.

Stellar Base vs Stellar SDK

stellar_base is a low-level library for creating Stellar primitive constructs. If you are looking for a complete Horizon integration we recommend you check the stellar_sdk library instead 🙌.

You should only use stellar_base if you are planning to build on top of it!


API Reference


Available in Hex, add stellar_base to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:stellar_base, "~> 0.16.0"}


Code of conduct

We welcome everyone to contribute. Make sure you have read the CODE OF CONDUCT before.


For information on how to contribute, please refer to our CONTRIBUTING guide.


Features and bug fixes are listed in the CHANGELOG file.


This library is licensed under an MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Made with 💙 by kommitters Open Source