View Source StellarBase.XDR.OfferEntry (Elixir Stellar Base v0.16.0)

Representation of Stellar OfferEntry type.

An offer is the building block of the offer book, they are automatically claimed by payments when the price set by the owner is met.

For example an Offer is selling 10A where 1A is priced at 1.5B




Link to this function

new(seller_id, offer_id, selling, buying, amount, price, flags, ext)

View Source
@spec new(
  seller_id :: StellarBase.XDR.AccountID.t(),
  offer_id :: StellarBase.XDR.Int64.t(),
  selling :: StellarBase.XDR.Asset.t(),
  buying :: StellarBase.XDR.Asset.t(),
  amount :: StellarBase.XDR.Int64.t(),
  price :: StellarBase.XDR.Price.t(),
  flags :: StellarBase.XDR.UInt32.t(),
  ext :: StellarBase.XDR.Ext.t()
) :: t()