View Source Step Flow

Step flow manager for Elixir applications.


Add AMQP as a dependency in your mix.exs file.

def deps do
    {:step_flow, "~> 0.1.0"}

And add into extra applications:

  def application do
      mod: {MyApplication.Application, []},
      extra_applications: [

Workflows and Jobs State Machines

The state machines are described in dedicated pages, for workflows and for jobs respectively.

Configurations to start

PostgreSQL configuration

Add into configuration files:

config :step_flow, Ecto.Repo,
  hostname: "localhost",
  username: "postgres",
  password: "postgres",
  database: "step_flow_dev",
  runtime_pool_size: 10

It can also be used with environment variables:

config :step_flow, Ecto.Repo,
  hostname: {:system, "DATABASE_HOSTNAME"},
  username: {:system, "DATABASE_USERNAME"},
  password: {:system, "DATABASE_PASSWORD"},
  database: {:system, "DATABASE_NAME"},
  runtime_pool_size: {:system, "DATABASE_POOL_SIZE"}

RabbitMQ configuration

Add into configuration files:

config :step_flow, StepFlow.Amqp,
  hostname: "localhost",
  port: 5672,
  username: "guest",
  password: "guest",
  virtual_host: ""

To set TLS over AMQP, specific configuration fields can be added:

config :step_flow, StepFlow.Amqp,
  hostname: "localhost",
  port: 5672,
  username: "guest",
  password: "guest",
  virtual_host: "",
  scheme: "amqp",
  ssl_cacertfile: '/path/to/ca/cacert.pem',
  ssl_certfile: '/path/to/client/cert.pem',
  ssl_keyfile: '/path/to/client/key.pem',
  # only necessary with intermediate CAs
  ssl_depth: 2,
  ssl_verify: :verify_peer,
  ssl_fail_if_no_peer_cert: true

It can also be used with environment variables:

config :step_flow, StepFlow.Amqp,
  hostname: {:system, "RABBITMQ_HOSTNAME"},
  port: {:system, "RABBITMQ_PORT"},
  username: {:system, "RABBITMQ_USERNAME"},
  password: {:system, "RABBITMQ_PASSWORD"},
  virtual_host: {:system, "RABBITMQ_VIRTUAL_HOST"},
  scheme: {:system, "RABBITMQ_SCHEME"},
  ssl_cacertfile: {:system, "RABBITMQ_SSL_CACERT_FILE"},
  ssl_certfile: {:system, "RABBITMQ_SSL_CERT_FILE"},
  ssl_keyfile: {:system, "RABBITMQ_SSL_KEY_FILE"},
  ssl_depth: {:system, "RABBITMQ_SSL_DEPTH"},
  ssl_verify: {:system, "RABBITMQ_SSL_VERIFY"},
  ssl_fail_if_no_peer_cert: {:system, "RABBITMQ_SSL_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT"},
  server_configuration: {:system, "RABBITMQ_SERVER_CONFIGURATION"}

Slack integration (optional)

Configuring the Slack integration enable notification to Slack channel. It's used to:

  • send notification when job is in error
  • send a notification via a Step

To enable integration, update configuration files:

config :step_flow, StepFlow,
  exposed_domain_name: {:system, "EXPOSED_DOMAIN_NAME"},
  slack_api_token: {:system, "SLACK_API_TOKEN"},
  slack_api_channel: {:system, "SLACK_API_CHANNEL"}

Remarks: the slack_api_channel configure the channel for error jobs notification. The message contains also a link to the workflow, so exposed_domain_name configure the hostname of the hosted application.

Expose StepFlow REST API

Step Flow provides the REST API to manage Workflows and Jobs.

Create a module with:

defmodule MyApplicationWeb.StepFlow.Plug do
  @moduledoc false

  use StepFlow.Plug

Then in Phoenix router redirect the API part to the module:

defmodule MyApplicationWeb.Router do
  use MyApplicationWeb, :router

  pipeline :api do
    plug(:accepts, ["json"])

  scope "/api", MyApplicationWeb do

    scope "/step_flow", StepFlow do
      forward("/", Plug)

    # add other routes here

To enable authentication checks over Step Flow API configure callbacks in configuration:

config :step_flow, StepFlow,
  authorize: [
    module: MyApplicationWeb.Authorize,
    get_jobs: [:user_check, :right_technician_check],
    get_workflows: [:user_check, :right_technician_check],
    post_workflows: [:user_check, :right_technician_check],
    put_workflows: [:user_check, :right_technician_check],
    delete_workflows: [:user_check, :right_technician_check],
    post_workflows_events: [:user_check, :right_technician_check],
    get_definitions: [:user_check, :right_technician_check],
    post_worker_definitions: [:user_check, :right_technician_check],
    get_worker_definitions: [:user_check, :right_technician_check],
    get_workflows_statistics: [:user_check]

Enable StepFlow live notification to WebSocket

StepFlow can be configured to send messages on job updates (to enable refresh of UI via WebSocket for example). To broadcast messages, the application endpoint needs to be configured.

config :step_flow, StepFlow,
  endpoint: MyApplicationWeb.Endpoint

Configuration of the default working directory for workers

Each workers works with big data files, mostly on shared storage. The default access point need to be configured using:

config :step_flow, StepFlow,
  workers_work_directory: "/data/mount/point"

Configuration of the default stepflow schema

A workflow follows a schema definition, this definition can be overloaded with:

config :step_flow, StepFlow.WorkflowDefinitions.ExternalLoader, specification_folder: "./mediacloudai/"

config :step_flow, StepFlow.WorkflowDefinitions.WorkflowDefinition,
  workflow_schema_url: "./mediacloudai/standard/1.11/workflow-definition.schema.json"

Prometheus exporter

Several metrics are defined to monitor step flow:

  • number of workflows per identifier created in the last 24 hours
  • execution time of worflows per identifier of ended worflow in the last 24 hours

Metrics can be exported by:

config :step_flow, StepFlow,
  enable_metrics: true # activate metrics

Metric exports can be formatted:

config :prometheus, StepFlow.Metrics.PrometheusExporter,
  format: :auto, ## or :protobuf, or :text

Export endpoint can be optionally secured using HTTP Basic Authentication:

config :prometheus, StepFlow.Metrics.PrometheusExporter,
  auth: {:basic, "username", "password"}

Metrics can be configured with

config :step_flow, StepFlow.Metrics,
  scale: "day", # "year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "millisecond", and "microsecond"
  delta: -1