View Source Surface.AST.Slot (surface v0.11.5)

An AST node representing a <#slot /> tag


* `:name` - the slot name
* `:index` - the index of the slotable entry assigned to this slot
* `:for` - the slotable entry assigned for this slot
* `:default` - a list of AST nodes representing the default content for this slot
* `:arg` - quoted expression representing the argument for this slot
* `:generator_value` - value from the `:generator_prop` property
* `:context_put` - value from the `:generator_prop` property
* `:meta` - compilation meta data
* `:directives` - directives associated with this slot



@type t() :: %Surface.AST.Slot{
  arg: Macro.t(),
  as: atom(),
  context_put: [Surface.AST.AttributeExpr.t()],
  default: [Surface.AST.t()],
  directives: [Surface.AST.Directive.t()],
  for: any(),
  generator_value: any(),
  index: any(),
  meta: Surface.AST.Meta.t(),
  name: binary()