Surface.AST.Template (surface v0.7.0) View Source

An AST node representing a <#template> element. This is used to provide content for slots


* `:name` - the template name
* `:props` - the props for slot entry tag
* `:let` - the bindings for this template
* `:children` - the template children
* `:meta` - compilation meta data
* `:debug` - keyword list indicating when debug information should be printed during compilation
* `:directives` - directives associated with this template

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t() :: %Surface.AST.Template{
  children: [Surface.AST.t()],
  directives: [Surface.AST.Directive.t()],
  let: [Keyword.t(atom())],
  meta: Surface.AST.Meta.t(),
  name: atom(),
  props: [Surface.AST.Attribute.t() | Surface.AST.DynamicAttribute.t()]