Surgex.DataPipe.FollowerSync (Surgex v5.0.0) View Source

Acquires a PostgreSQL slave synchronization with a remote master.


It can be configured globally or per repo as follows:

config :surgex,
  follower_sync_enabled: true,
  follower_sync_timeout: 15_000,
  follower_sync_interval: 1_000

config :my_project, MyProject.MyRepo,
  # ...
  follower_sync_enabled: true,
  follower_sync_timeout: 15_000,
  follower_sync_interval: 1_000

As a convenience versus calling all the time, it can be used in a repo module as follows:

defmodule MyProject.MyRepo do
  use Surgex.DataPipe.FollowerSync


Refer to Surgex.DataPipe for a complete data pipe example.

Link to this section Summary


Waits for a given slave repo's sync up to specific remote master's lsn.

Link to this section Functions

Waits for a given slave repo's sync up to specific remote master's lsn.