API Reference Surgex v4.15.2


Main Surgex OTP application that calls patches configured for running and hibernates itself.

Tools for working with Ecto changesets.

Tools for moving data between PostgreSQL databases and tables.

Acquires a PostgreSQL slave synchronization with a remote master.

Configures a PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper linkage between two repos.

Executes system-level PostgreSQL queries (server version, WAL status etc).

Proxies repo calls depending on replication needs.

Extracts and transforms data from one PostgreSQL table into another.

Cleans tables in a database represented by an Ecto repo.

Utilities for creating date times.

Official style guide for Elixir and Phoenix projects at Surge Ventures.

Basic code style and formatting guidelines.

Higher level application design and engineering guidelines.

Parses, casts and catches errors in the web request input, such as params or JSON API body.

Checks if the given parameter's value is on the list of allowed values.

Return default value for an empty input.

Holds a box made of two points on Earth's surface.

Holds a specific point on Earth's surface.

Parses the JSON API's include parameter according to the JSON API spec.

Parses the JSON API's sort parameter according to the JSON API spec.

Available options

This parser checks if the input is a proper UUID (with hyphens, case insentitive)

Tools for making code maintenance and refactors easier.

Maps module names to filenames and finds non-matches.

Tools for dynamic setup of Ecto repo opts.

Extensions to the official Sentry package.

Mix Tasks

Runs tasks from the Surgex.Refactor module