Surgex.Parser (Surgex v5.0.0) View Source

Parses, casts and catches errors in the web request input, such as params or JSON API body.


In order to use it, you should import the Surgex.Parser module, possibly in the controller macro in the web.ex file belonging to your Phoenix project, which will make functions like parse available in all controllers.

Then, you should start implementing functions for parsing params or documents for specific controller actions. Those functions will serve as documentation crucial for understanding specific action's input, so it's best to keep them close to the relevant action. For example:

def index(conn, params) do
  with {:ok, opts} <- parse_index_params(params) do
    render(conn, locations: Marketplace.search_locations(opts))
    {:error, :invalid_parameters, params} -> {:error, :invalid_parameters, params}

defp parse_index_params(params) do
  parse params,
    query: [:string, :required],
    center: :geolocation,
    box: :box,
    category_id: :id,
    subcategory_ids: :id_list,
    sort: {:sort, ~w{price_min published_at distance}a},
    page: :page

The second argument to parse/2 and flat_parse/2 is a param spec in which keys are resulting option names and values are parser functions, atoms, tuples or lists used to process specific parameter. Here's how each work:

  • parser functions are functions that take the input value as first argument and can take arbitrary amount of additional arguments as parser options; in order to pass such parser it's best to use the & operator in format &parser/1 or in case of parser options &parser(&1, opts...)

  • parser atoms point to built-in parsers by looking up a Surgex.Parser.<camelized-name>Parser module and invoking the call function within it, where the call function is just a parser function described above; for example :integer is an equivalent to &

  • parser tuples allow to pass additional options to built-in parsers; the tuple starts with the parser atom described above, followed by parser arguments matching the number of additional arguments consumed by the parser; for example {:sort, ~w{price_min published_at}a}

  • parser lists allow to pass a list of parser functions, atoms or tuples, all of which will be parsed in a sequence in which the output from previous parser is piped to the next one and in which the first failure stops the whole pipe; for example [:integer, :required]

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Makes sure there are no unknown params passed to controller action.

Parses controller action input into a flat structure.

Renames keys in the parser output.

Parses controller action input (parameters, documents) with a given set of parsers.

Parses controller action input (parameters, documents) with a given set of parsers.

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assert_blank_params(map()) ::
  | {:error, :invalid_parameters, list()}
  | {:error, :invalid_pointers, list()}

Makes sure there are no unknown params passed to controller action.

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flat_parse(input, parsers)

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flat_parse(nil, any()) :: {:error, :empty_input}
flat_parse(map(), list()) ::
  | {:error, :invalid_parameters, list()}
  | {:error, :invalid_pointers, list()}

Parses controller action input into a flat structure.

This function takes the same input as parse/2 but it returns a {:ok, value1, value2, ...} tuple instead of a [key1: value1, key2: value2, ...] keyword list.

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map_parsed_options(parser_result, mapping)

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map_parsed_options({:error, any()}, any()) :: {:error, any()}
map_parsed_options({:ok, any()}, any()) :: {:ok, any()}

Renames keys in the parser output.


parse(nil, any()) :: {:error, :empty_input}
parse(map(), list()) ::
  {:ok, any()}
  | {:error, :invalid_parameters, list()}
  | {:error, :invalid_pointers, list()}

Parses controller action input (parameters, documents) with a given set of parsers.

Returns a keyword list with parsed options.

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parse_map(input, parsers)

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parse_map(nil, any()) :: {:error, :empty_input}
parse_map(map(), list()) ::
  {:ok, map()}
  | {:error, :invalid_parameters, list()}
  | {:error, :invalid_pointers, list()}

Parses controller action input (parameters, documents) with a given set of parsers.

Returns a map with parsed options.