Swiss.Task (swiss v3.12.0) View Source

Functions for writing async code that's testable asynchronously by passing allowances to created processes. You should import this module and use its macros as a DSL.


defmodule YourProject.Task do
  @moduledoc "Defines the Task API for your project"

  import Swiss.Task
  async YourProject.Task.Allowances
  async_stream YourProject.Task.Allowances

defmodule YourProject.Task.Allowances do
  @moduledoc "Defines the Allowances behaviour"

  @behaviour Swiss.Task.Allowances

  @impl true
  def allow(parent) do
    Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.allow(YourProject.Repo, parent, self())

defmodule YourProject.SomeModule do
  def some_async_function do
    YourProject.Task.async(fn -> end)

  def some_other_async_function(enumerable) do
    YourProject.Task.async_stream(enumerable, fn -> end)

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Call this macro from your projects Task module to declare an async function that, in a test environment, runs the called module's allow function with the parent process's PID.

Call this macro from your project's Task module to define an async_stream function that, in a test environment, runs the called module's allow function with the parent process's PID

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Call this macro from your projects Task module to declare an async function that, in a test environment, runs the called module's allow function with the parent process's PID.

In other envs this delegates to the Elixir.Task.async/1 function.

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Call this macro from your project's Task module to define an async_stream function that, in a test environment, runs the called module's allow function with the parent process's PID

In other envs this delegates to the Elixir.Task.async_stream/3 function.