View Source Swoosh.Email (Swoosh v1.17.1)

Defines an Email.

This module defines a Swoosh.Email struct and the main functions for composing an email. As it is the contract for the public APIs of Swoosh it is a good idea to make use of these functions rather than build the struct yourself.

Email fields

  • from - the email address of the sender, example: {"Tony Stark", ""}
  • to - the email address for the recipient(s), example: [{"Steve Rogers", ""}]
  • subject - the subject of the email, example: "Hello, Avengers!"
  • cc - the intended carbon copy recipient(s) of the email, example: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}]
  • bcc - the intended blind carbon copy recipient(s) of the email, example: [{"Janet Pym", ""}]
  • text_body - the content of the email in plaintext, example: "Hello"
  • html_body - the content of the email in HTML, example: "<h1>Hello</h1>"
  • reply_to - the email address that should receive replies, example: {"Clint Barton", ""}
  • headers - a map of headers that should be included in the email, example: %{"X-Accept-Language" => "en-us, en"}
  • attachments - a list of attachments that should be included in the email, example: [%{path: "/data/uuid-random", filename: "", content_type: "application/zip"}]
  • assigns - a map of values that correspond with any template variables, example: %{"first_name" => "Bruce"}


This key is reserved for use with adapters, libraries and frameworks.

  • private - a map of values that are for use by libraries/frameworks, example: %{phoenix_template: "welcome.html.eex"}
    • client_options will be passed to underlying http client post call

Provider options

This key allow users to make use of provider-specific functionality by passing along addition parameters.

  • provider_options - a map of values that are specific to adapter provider, example: %{async: true}


email =
  |> to("")
  |> from("")
  |> text_body("Welcome to the Avengers")

The composable nature makes it very easy to continue expanding upon a given Email.

email =
  |> cc({"Steve Rogers", ""})
  |> cc("")
  |> bcc(["", {"Henry McCoy", ""}])
  |> html_body("<h1>Special Welcome</h1>")

You can also directly pass arguments to the new/1 function.

email = new(from: "", to: "", subject: "Hello, Avengers!")



Stores a new variable key and value in the email.

Add a new attachment in the email.

Adds new recipients in the bcc field.

Adds new recipients in the cc field.

Sets a recipient in the from field.

Adds a new header in the email.

Sets the html_body field.

Returns a Swoosh.Email struct.

Puts new recipients in the bcc field.

Puts new recipients in the cc field.

Stores a new private key and value in the email.

Stores a new provider_option key and value in the email.

Puts new recipients in the to field.

Sets a recipient in the reply_to field. May also set a list of recipients as reply_to, but the support for it on adapters is on case-by-case basis.

Sets the subject field.

Sets the text_body field.

Adds new recipients in the to field.


@type address() :: String.t()
@type html_body() :: String.t()
@type mailbox() :: {name(), address()}
@type name() :: String.t()
@type subject() :: String.t()
@type t() :: %Swoosh.Email{
  assigns: map(),
  attachments: [Swoosh.Attachment.t()],
  bcc: [mailbox()] | [],
  cc: [mailbox()] | [],
  from: mailbox() | nil,
  headers: map(),
  html_body: html_body() | nil,
  private: map(),
  provider_options: map(),
  reply_to: [mailbox()] | mailbox() | nil,
  subject: String.t(),
  text_body: text_body() | nil,
  to: [mailbox()]
@type text_body() :: String.t()


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assign(email, key, value)

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@spec assign(t(), atom(), any()) :: t()

Stores a new variable key and value in the email.

This store is meant for variables used in templating. The name should be specified as an atom, the value can be any term.


iex> new() |> assign(:username, "ironman")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{username: "ironman"}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
 cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{},
 provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
@spec attachment(t(), binary() | Swoosh.Attachment.t()) :: t()

Add a new attachment in the email.

You can pass the path to a file, a Swoosh.Attachment or a %Plug.Upload{} struct as an argument. If you give a path we will detect the MIME type and determine the filename automatically.

You can also send an inline-attachment used for embedding images in the body of emails by specifying type: :inline


iex> new() |> attachment("/data/")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
 reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: [],
 attachments: [%Swoosh.Attachment{path: "/data/",
  content_type: "application/zip", filename: "",
  type: :attachment, data: nil, headers: [], cid: nil}]}
iex> new() |> attachment("/data/"))
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
 reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: [],
 attachments: [%Swoosh.Attachment{path: "/data/",
  content_type: "application/zip", filename: "",
  type: :attachment, data: nil, headers: [], cid: nil}]}
iex> new() |> attachment(%Plug.Upload{path: "/data/abcdefg", content_type: "test/type", filename: ""})
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
 reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: [],
 attachments: [%Swoosh.Attachment{path: "/data/abcdefg",
  content_type: "test/type", filename: "",
  type: :attachment, data: nil, headers: [], cid: nil}]}
iex> new() |> attachment("/data/att.png", type: :inline))
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
 reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: [],
 attachments: [%Swoosh.Attachment{path: "/data/att.png",
  content_type: "image/png", filename: "att.png",
  type: :inline, data: nil, headers: [], cid: "att.png"}]}

Adds new recipients in the bcc field.

iex> new() |> bcc("")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [{"", ""}],
 cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil,
 private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "",
 text_body: nil, to: []}

Adds new recipients in the cc field.


iex> new() |> cc("")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
 cc: [{"", ""}], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil,
 private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "",
 text_body: nil, to: []}
@spec from(t(), Swoosh.Email.Recipient.t()) :: t()

Sets a recipient in the from field.


iex> new() |> from({"Steve Rogers", ""})
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: {"Steve Rogers", ""},
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
 reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}

iex> new() |> from("")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: {"", ""},
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
 reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
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header(email, name, value)

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@spec header(t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: t()

Adds a new header in the email.

The name and value must be specified as strings.


iex> new() |> header("X-Magic-Number", "7")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{"X-Magic-Number" => "7"}, html_body: nil, private: %{},
 provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
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html_body(email, html_body)

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@spec html_body(t(), html_body() | nil) :: t()

Sets the html_body field.

The HTML body must be a string that containing the HTML content.


iex> new() |> html_body("<h1>Hello</h1>")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
 cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: "<h1>Hello</h1>",
 private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "",
 text_body: nil, to: []}
@spec new(none() | Enum.t()) :: t()

Returns a Swoosh.Email struct.

You can pass a keyword list or a map argument to the function that will be used to populate the fields of that struct. Note that it will silently ignore any fields that it doesn't know about.


iex> new()

iex> new(subject: "Hello, Avengers!")
%Swoosh.Email{subject: "Hello, Avengers!"}

iex> new(from: "")
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"", ""}}
iex> new(from: {"Tony Stark", ""})
%Swoosh.Email{from: {"Tony Stark", ""}}

iex> new(to: "")
%Swoosh.Email{to: [{"", ""}]}
iex> new(to: {"Steve Rogers", ""})
%Swoosh.Email{to: [{"Steve Rogers", ""}]}
iex> new(to: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, ""])
%Swoosh.Email{to: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, {"", ""}]}

iex> new(cc: "")
%Swoosh.Email{cc: [{"", ""}]}
iex> new(cc: {"Steve Rogers", ""})
%Swoosh.Email{cc: [{"Steve Rogers", ""}]}
iex> new(cc: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, ""])
%Swoosh.Email{cc: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, {"", ""}]}

iex> new(bcc: "")
%Swoosh.Email{bcc: [{"", ""}]}
iex> new(bcc: {"Steve Rogers", ""})
%Swoosh.Email{bcc: [{"Steve Rogers", ""}]}
iex> new(bcc: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, ""])
%Swoosh.Email{bcc: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, {"", ""}]}

iex> new(html_body: "<h1>Welcome, Avengers</h1>")
%Swoosh.Email{html_body: "<h1>Welcome, Avengers</h1>"}

iex> new(text_body: "Welcome, Avengers")
%Swoosh.Email{text_body: "Welcome, Avengers"}

iex> new(reply_to: "")
%Swoosh.Email{reply_to: {"", ""}}
iex> new(reply_to: {"Edwin Jarvis", ""})
%Swoosh.Email{reply_to: {"Edwin Jarvis", ""}}

iex> new(headers: %{"X-Accept-Language" => "en"})
%Swoosh.Email{headers: %{"X-Accept-Language" => "en"}}

iex> new(assigns: %{user_id: 10})
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{user_id: 10}}

iex> new(provider_options: %{async: true})
%Swoosh.Email{provider_options: %{async: true}}

You can obviously combine these arguments together:

iex> new(to: "", subject: "Hello, Avengers!")
%Swoosh.Email{to: [{"", ""}], subject: "Hello, Avengers!"}
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put_bcc(email, recipients)

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@spec put_bcc(t(), Swoosh.Email.Recipient.t() | [Swoosh.Email.Recipient.t()]) :: t()

Puts new recipients in the bcc field.

It will replace any previously added bcc recipients.

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put_cc(email, recipients)

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@spec put_cc(t(), Swoosh.Email.Recipient.t() | [Swoosh.Email.Recipient.t()]) :: t()

Puts new recipients in the cc field.

It will replace any previously added cc recipients.

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put_private(email, key, value)

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@spec put_private(t(), atom(), any()) :: t()

Stores a new private key and value in the email.

This store is meant to be for libraries/framework usage. The name should be specified as an atom, the value can be any term.


iex> new() |> put_private(:phoenix_template, "welcome.html")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{phoenix_template: "welcome.html"},
 provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
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put_provider_option(email, key, value)

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@spec put_provider_option(t(), atom(), any()) :: t()

Stores a new provider_option key and value in the email.

This store is meant for adapter usage, to aid provider-specific functionality. The name should be specified as an atom, the value can be any term.


iex> new() |> put_provider_option(:async, true)
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{async: true},
 reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
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put_to(email, recipients)

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@spec put_to(t(), Swoosh.Email.Recipient.t() | [Swoosh.Email.Recipient.t()]) :: t()

Puts new recipients in the to field.

It will replace any previously added to recipients.

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reply_to(email, reply_to)

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@spec reply_to(t(), Swoosh.Email.Recipient.t() | [Swoosh.Email.Recipient.t()]) :: t()

Sets a recipient in the reply_to field. May also set a list of recipients as reply_to, but the support for it on adapters is on case-by-case basis.


iex> new() |> reply_to({"Steve Rogers", ""})
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
 reply_to: {"Steve Rogers", ""}, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}

iex> new() |> reply_to("")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
 reply_to: {"", ""}, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}

iex> new() |> reply_to([{"Steve Rogers", ""}, ""])
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
 reply_to: [{"Steve Rogers", ""}, {"", ""}],
 subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
@spec subject(t(), subject()) :: t()

Sets the subject field.

The subject must be a string that contains the subject.


iex> new() |> subject("Hello, Avengers!")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
 cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil,
 private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "Hello, Avengers!",
 text_body: nil, to: []}
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text_body(email, text_body)

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@spec text_body(t(), text_body() | nil) :: t()

Sets the text_body field.

The text body must be a string that containing the plaintext content.


iex> new() |> text_body("Hello")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
 cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil,
 private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "",
 text_body: "Hello", to: []}

Adds new recipients in the to field.


iex> new() |> to("")
%Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
 cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil,
 private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "",
 text_body: nil, to: [{"", ""}]}