T2ServerQuery.PacketParser (T2ServerQuery v0.1.3) View Source

This module does the heavy lifting with parsing a Tribes 2 query response packet.

UDP Packet Anatomy

Info Packet

  _header     :: size(192),
  server_name :: bitstring

Status Packet

  _header :: size(48),

  game_type_length    :: little-integer,
  game_type           :: binary-size(game_type_length),
  mission_type_length :: little-integer,
  mission_type        :: binary-size(mission_type_length),
  map_name_length     :: little-integer,
  map_name            :: binary-size(map_name_length),

  _skip_a :: size(8),

  player_count     :: little-integer,
  max_player_count :: little-integer,
  bot_count        :: little-integer,

  _skip_b :: size(16),

  server_description_length :: little-integer,
  server_description        :: binary-size(server_description_length),

  _skip_c :: size(16),

  team_count :: binary-size(1),

  rest :: bitstring

Notice the _skip_(a|b|c) mappings. I havn't quite figured out what they refer to yet but they don't seem that important. They likely relate to a few server flags like tournament_mode, cpu_speed, is_linux.

Refer to T2ServerQuery.QueryResult for what a typical struct would look like.

Link to this section Summary


This function expects both an info and status packet to be passed in that is in a Base.encode16 format. Normally you wouldn't need to run this function manually since it's called in a pipeline from the main T2ServerQuery.query

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

init(info_packet, status_packet)

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  {:error, String.t()},
) :: {:error, map()}
init(binary(), binary()) :: {:ok, T2ServerQuery.QueryResult.t()}

This function expects both an info and status packet to be passed in that is in a Base.encode16 format. Normally you wouldn't need to run this function manually since it's called in a pipeline from the main T2ServerQuery.query