

This stores Text/Tag sections with contextual values that are used to help render the final HTML.

pub type Sections =
  Result(List(Section), TaggError)

Dict of -> . The names are used to find each custom element when scanning the HTML. Once the Tag or Text sections are all found, the list of sections will be iterated over, and each component’s custom function will be used to produce any Tag/Text sections in its place in the HTML. For example, a tag will be replaced by repeating its child sections.

pub type TagConfig =
  Dict(String, fn(Tagg, Section, Context) -> Sections)

Configuration for the templating engine. The base_dir_path is used to resolve paths (e.g. “/employees/employee.html”) that appear in the template. The TagConfig is used to help find custom tags and replace them with custom sections in the HTML.

pub type Tagg {
  Tagg(base_dir_path: String, tag_config: TagConfig)


  • Tagg(base_dir_path: String, tag_config: TagConfig)
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