Talos.Types behaviour (Talos v1.12.1) View Source

Talos Type behaviour

You can implement your own data type and use it with another Talos Types

  iex> defmodule EmailType do
  iex>   @behaviour Talos.Types
  iex>   defstruct [] # Type must be struct, even empty
  iex>   alias Talos.Types.StringType
  iex>   @email_type %StringType{min_length: 5, regexp: ~r/.*@.*/, max_length: 255}
  iex>   def valid?(_email_type, email) do
  iex>     Talos.valid?(@email_type, email)
  iex>   end
  iex>   def errors(email_type, email) do
  iex>     case valid?(email_type, email) do
  iex>       true -> []
  iex>       false -> ["not valid email"]
  iex>     end
  iex>   end
  iex> end
  iex> Talos.valid?(EmailType, "example@foo.ru")
  iex> Talos.valid?(EmailType, "example")
  iex> Talos.errors(EmailType, "example@foo.ru")
  iex> Talos.errors(EmailType, "example")
  ["not valid email"]

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errors(struct() | module(), any()) :: [String.t()] | map()


valid?(struct() | module(), any()) :: boolean()